Groundwork Guatemala Ministry Building This is where you will be staying
View from the roof of the ministry building
Groundwork Ministry Office
Women’s bedroom
Guy’s bedroom (OK, we’ll let you have air mattresses, too!)
Dining Room
3 rd floor devo’s Can be used for extra bed space
1 of 4 bathrooms 2 hot showers/1 cold Hot water comes out here!! TP goes in here! not here…
Soft drinks available right across the street
Christ’s hands touching hearts at the nursing home
We will see those working in the garbage dump
We will visit homes in Amatitlán, Buena Vista and Guatemala City
Children on Amatitlán Farm kids / 1 hour / Tuesday Christian Education
Children on Amatitlán Farm
Adult ministry on Amatitlán Farm adults / 1 hour / Tuesday Bible study/message
Adult ministry on Amatitlán Farm
Adult ministry in Buena Vista adults / 1 hour / Wednesday Bible study/message
Adult ministry in Buena Vista
Children’s ministry in Buena Vista children / 1 hour / Wednesday
Children’s ministry in Buena Vista
Public School in Buena Vista 170 kids total Christian Education and English
Public School in Buena Vista Grades K-3 Christian Ed and English ½ hour each
Public School in Buena Vista Grades 4-6 Christian Education and English ½ hour each
Public School in Buena Vista ½ hour Christian Ed ½ hour English, then switch
Public School in Buena Vista Children will either be in classrooms or outside
Public School in Buena Vista
Visuals are great for English class
Children in Amatitlán Park Kids / 1 hour / Thursday Christian Education
Adults in Amatitlán Park adults / 1 hour / Thursday Bible study/message
Adults in Amatitlán Park
Colegio Latinoamericano Private School (not Christian) Guatemala City Zone 18 Friday
Colegio Latinoamericano Grades 4-6 / kids Christian Education and English 1 hour each
Colegio Latinoamericano Grades K-3 / kids Christian Education and English 1 hour each
Colegio Latinoamericano girls Grades 7-9 Christian Education and English 1 hour each
Colegio Latinoamericano boys Grades 7-9 Christian Education and English 1 hour each
You will have the opportunity to develop relationships with some great Guatemalans!
And you will meet some wonderful Guatemalan families
Our Guatemalan missionaries can’t wait to meet you and serve with you! Julian Sandra Manuel Ruth Oscar
So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, Continue to live in Him, rooted and built up in Him, Strengthened in the faith as you were taught, And overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2:6-7