Sexism in School. Paraphrasing Education is not a spectator sport. Education should be an interactive process for students and teachers to join in.


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Presentation transcript:

Sexism in School

Paraphrasing Education is not a spectator sport. Education should be an interactive process for students and teachers to join in.

Paraphrasing Boys got more than their fair share of teacher attention. Boys got more teacher attention than is supposed to be fair.

Paraphrasing A classic case of the squeaky wheel getting the educational oil. A typical example of the attention –grabbing student receiving more help from the teacher.

Paraphrasing However, male assertiveness is not the whole answer. However, boys’ pushy behavior in class is not the only reason for getting more attention in class.

Paraphrasing Girls are often shortchanged in quality as well as in quantity of teacher attention. Girls are often given back less than enough teacher attention both in quality and in quantity.

Paraphrasing Unfortunately, acceptance, the imprecise response packing the least educational punch, gets the most equitable sex distribution in classroom. Achieving the least teaching results.

Paraphrasing The sexist communication game is played at work, as well as at school. Sexist communication is found not only at school but also at work.

Discussion Topics Have you ever been discriminated against because of your sex? How did you cope with the discrimination? What jobs are deemed as appropriate for men but inappropriate for women? Sexism in China ( in school, workplace, family, or public places)

Translation 1. 有些老师总是把学生理解能力 差归结于不聪明。 Some teachers attribute their students’ poor comprehension to a lack of intelligence. 2. 这些女生在登山时表现出极大的 勇 气和探险精神。 These girl students exhibited great courage and exploration during the climb.

Translation 3. 公民的关注点集中在道路拥挤和空 气污染问题上。 4. 一部分学生完全得益于奖学金和助 学贷款,才可能继续求学。 Public attention is focused on the problems of road congestion and air pollution. Benefited from scholarship and student loan, some students can pursue their study.

Translation 5. 她的父母不赞同她去婚介所求偶。 6. 他含蓄地表示愿意帮助她,这 使她非常感激。 Her parents disapproved of her going to dating agencies for a spouse. His subtle offer to help her was greatly appreciated by her.

Sexism in Children’s Textbook I.Introduction (pa.1). II.Different ways of sexism in children’s textbooks (pp. 2-5). A. The amount of attention given to males. B. Different images of boys and girls. C. The amount of sexism in different academic subjects. III. Effects of sexism in children’s textbook (pp.6-7). IV. Conclusion (pa.8).