1 Achieving Satellite Instrument Calibration for Climate Change May 16-18, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Achieving Satellite Instrument Calibration for Climate Change May 16-18, 2006

2 Outline Background Workshop Workshop Schedule (Big Picture) Breakout Groups Post-Workshop Publication Sponsors and supporters Committee members

3 Background ASIC 3 is a follow-on workshop to “Satellite Instrument Calibration for Measuring Global Climate Change” (Nov. 2002) –Defined absolute accuracies and long-term stabilities of global climate data sets that are needed to detect expected trends –Assessed needed satellite instrument accuracies and stabilities –Evaluated ability of current observing systems to meet these requirements

4 Workshop Community conceived workshop –Community recognition that calibration challenges exist for climate change measurements –Bring community experts together to recommend improvements Primary workshop objective –Formulate a national roadmap for a calibration system that will allow us to achieve the requirements associated with the monitoring of long-term global climate change

5 Workshop Schedule First half (~1.5 days) –Invited presentations - selected to provide information for consideration in breakout groups –Grouped into 4 sessions 1.Agency Roles 2.Review Requirements for Measuring Global Climate Change 3.Calibration Status for Current Instruments and Plans for Future Instruments 4.Concepts and Methodologies for Achieving Calibration of Global Climate Change Measurements Second Half (~1.5 days) –Breakout Groups 1.IR 2.UV, VIS, NIR 3.Microwave 4.Active 5.Broadband 6.Intercalibration of Instruments 7.National Roadmap: Coordination Mechanisms, Agency Roles, Implementation solutions.

6 Breakout Groups Breakout groups are an important component of the workshop –Groups 1 to 6 (Instrument related) Address (1) current status, (2) impediments to progress, (3) recommendations to accelerate progress –Group 7 (National Roadmap) Obtain input from groups 1 to 6 Address (1) coordination mechanisms, (2) agency roles, (3) Implementation solutions George Ohring is overall breakout group leader

7 Post-Workshop Publication Community document that may be used as a reference by policy makers, leaders, scientists and engineers Outline 1.Executive Summary 2.Background 3.Calibration of Infrared Instruments 4.Calibration of UV, VIS, and NIR Instruments 5.Calibration of Microwave Instruments 6.Calibration of Broadband Instruments 7.Calibration of Active Instruments 8.Intercalibration of Instruments 9.National Roadmap Edited by George Ohring and published by NOAA

8 Sponsors and Supporters NIST NOAA NPOESS/IPO NASA WMO Thank you for your contributions and continued support!

9 Committee Members Joe Tansock, SDL/USU Hal Bloom, IPO/NOAA/NIST Raju Datla, NIST George Ohring, NOAA (consultant) Jim Butler, NASA Hank Revercomb, UW Paul Menzel, NOAA David Pollock, UAH Changyong Cao, NOAA Jack Xiong, NASA Alan Thurgood, SDL/USU Jim Anderson, Harvard U Steve Mango, NPOESS/IPO Karen St. Germain, NPOESS/IPO Mitch Goldberg, NOAA Gail Bingham, SDL/USU Allan Steed, SDL/USU Jerry Fraser, NIST Edward Zalewski, U of Arizona Peter Pilewskie, U of Colorado, Boulder Bruce Wielicki, NASA Sonya Warner, USURF Jennifer Bowman, SDL/USU Steering Committee: Organizing Committee: