PRESS Conference D. Galdermans: global information J. Buffels: what is spirometry? G. Joos: GOLD guidelines in COPD G. de Bilderling and R. Louis: GINA guidelines in asthma G. Liistro: presentation of the results of the day of spirometry in 2005.
THE DAY OF SPIROMETRY BVP-SBP Dr Galdermans ZNA Middelheim Hospital Antwerp
MAY 9, ème JOURNEE DE LA SPIROMETRIE 3de DAG VAN DE SPIROMETRIE 31 march november may 2007
WHY A DAY OF THE SPIROMETRY ? COPD Prevalence in Belgium 4-7% 4th cause of death worldwide Only major cause of death still increasing (+ 163% between 1965 and 1998 vs. - 64% for stroke)
WHY A DAY OF THE SPIROMETRY ? COPD: unknown terminology (“rokerslong” or “poumon du fumeur”) Increasing prevalence of obstructive pulmonary diseases >50% of all patients not diagnosed COPD and ASTHMA AWARENESS CAMPAIGN
ORGANIZATION Society of individual members working in the field of pneumology >500 members Information: INITIATIVE
ORGANIZATION 5360 Tour Pasteur, 53 avenue Emmanuel Mounier, 1200 Bruxelles. Tel , fax (secretariaat) (team van BPCRG) (research database ) PARTNERSHIP Belgian Primary Care Respiratory Group (BPCRG)
ORGANIZATION Fondation contre les Affections Respiratoires et pour l'Education à la Santé asbl or Chair: Prof. P. Bartsch Vlaamse Vereniging voor Respiratoire Gezondheidszorg en Tuberculosebestrijding or Chair: Prof. M. Decramer PARTNERSHIP
Organization President BKKL-GBPP Prof. Ann Malfroot Universitair Ziekenhuis Brussel
Société Scientifique de Médecine Générale (SSMG) Rue de Suisse, Bruxelles Domus Medica vzw Sint-Hubertusstraat Berchem
GOALS Promote use of spirometry Easy, painless and reliable Cfr. stethoscope, thermometer, blood pressure –promote spirometry in primary care (PRICAROS program) –partnership general practitioner – pneumologist Increase awareness COPD - asthma Detect patients at early stage Support smoking cessation
AGENDA April 17, 2007 Press conference Start registration campaign on line Posters & leaflets: GP’s, pneumologists, paediatrics, pharmacists, hospitals… May 9, 2007 : Spirometry day Day of the Spirometry: free spirometry –GP’s –Pneumologists –Paediatrics
HOW TO PARTICIPATE ? Do you cough several times most days ? Do you bring up phlegms or mucus most days ? Do you get short of breath more easily than others your age ? Are you older than 40 years ? Are you a current smoker or an ex-smoker ? Do you experience a wheezing breath? USE OF QUESTIONNAIRE TO TARGET PEOPLE WITH COPD and ASTHMA Maximise detection on Day of Spirometry
HOW TO PARTICIPATE ? < 3 times yes No spirometry advised If further doubts visit GP ≥ 3 times yes Spirometry recommended Doubt? visit GP Make an appointment
INTERNET INFORMATION INTERNET INSCRIPTION Questionnaire List of participating pneumologists, paediatrics and GP’s Appointment (
PARTICIPATING > 60 centres over Belgium On volunteer basis Screening ≥ 2000 patients Importance of questionnaire People who don’t have the possibility to have a spirometry the 9 th of May can contact there GP
NOVEMBER 16, 2005 Appointments May, 9 between 9 AM and 12 AM and between 2 PM and 4 PM Short questionnaire and spirometry: 10 to 15 min Results handed over to the patients Patients with airflow obstruction must see their doctor to start treatment No new appointments will be made on the Day of the Spirometry
AFTER MAY 9, 2007 GP in charge of diagnosis, treatment and follow-up Important ! spirometry does NOT detect lung cancer and other smoking related diseases Important ! Normal spirometry does not mean that you don’t have asthma. Smokers must QUIT smoking, even if they have no clear airflow obstruction !!!!!