Women’s Response to Health Messages in TV Storylines Vicki Beck, M.S. Director, Hollywood, Health & Society USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center USC Provost’s Retreat on Health October 21, 2004
Hollywood, Health & Society Staff Martin Kaplan, PhD Vicki Beck, MS Jennie Greene, MSPH Grace Huang, MPH Scott McGibbon Mandy Shaivitz, MPH CDC and NCI Varian Brandon, MMC/CDC Mary Anne Bright, MN/RN/NCI Cheryl Lackey, MPH/CDC Michael Miller, MPH/MS/NCI May Kennedy, PhD/CDC Ann O’Leary, PhD/CDC William Pollard, PhD/CDC David Whittier, PhD/CDC Annenberg School for Communication Michael Cody, PhD Sheila Murphy, PhD Arul Chib, PhD candidate Lisa Robinson, MA candidate Holley Wilkin, PhD candidate Keck School of Medicine Tom Valente, PhD Janice Hsu, MPH candidate Wes Kidder, MPH candidate UCSB Ron Rice, PhD Emily Moyer-Gusé, PhD candidate UGA Vicki Freimuth, PhD Monica Beckham, PhD candidate
Developing and Evaluating Health Messages in TV Storylines TV Shows: 6 TV Networks - DT and PT Shows TV Shows: 6 TV Networks - DT and PT Shows Experts: CDC, NCI, USC, UCLA, State/County DHS Experts: CDC, NCI, USC, UCLA, State/County DHS Advisors: TV Networks, TV Guilds, USC, CDC, NCI, State/County DHS Advisors: TV Networks, TV Guilds, USC, CDC, NCI, State/County DHS Staff: Director, 3 MPH staff, administrator Staff: Director, 3 MPH staff, administrator Interns: USC, Long Beach, Northridge, UCLA Interns: USC, Long Beach, Northridge, UCLA Researchers: USC, UGA, UCSB Research Projects Researchers: USC, UGA, UCSB Research Projects TV Monitoring/Sheila Murphy and Michael Cody TV Monitoring/Sheila Murphy and Michael Cody Audience Impact Studies/Tom Valente Audience Impact Studies/Tom Valente Audience Impact Studies/Network Research Group Audience Impact Studies/Network Research Group
57% of regular viewers learned something: 61% of women 61% of women 51% of men 51% of men Who Reports Learning About Diseases and Prevention? Source: Beck, V., Huang, G.C., Pollard, W.E., Johnson, T.J. (2003). Reaching out to multicultural audiences through entertainment media. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association 131st Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, California. (Data: Porter Novelli 2001 HealthStyles)
Source: 2001 Healthstyles Survey (N=3,583), Porter Novelli Actions Taken Among Regular TV Drama Viewers Women’s Response to Health Topics in TV Dramas Women’s Response to Health Topics in TV Dramas
HIV/AIDS on The Bold & The Beautiful
Call attempts to CDC National STD/AIDS Hotlines August 13, 2001 Time of day – Eastern Daylight Time Number of call attempts 1840 Source: Kennedy et al. ( 2004). Journal of Communication 54(2),
Daily call attempts to CDC National STD/AIDS Hotline January – December, 2001 Aug. 13. B&B* 60 Minutes Rap-It-Up PSA Campaign, BTV, HIV Testing Day* Aug. 3 B&B* Surgeon General airs PSA* * = Hotline number aired 2 MTV Specials on World AIDS Day* Number of call attempts Jan Feb Mar April May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec * = Hotline number aired
Breast Cancer on Ladrón de Corazones
Radiation therapy is the recommended treatment following a lumpectomy Radiation therapy is the recommended treatment following a lumpectomy A mastectomy is the recommended treatment for breast cancer in early pregnancy A mastectomy is the recommended treatment for breast cancer in early pregnancy Getting a second opinion is important before making a treatment decision Getting a second opinion is important before making a treatment decision (n=321, 293) Ladrn de Corazones Audience Knowledge Ladrón de Corazones Audience Knowledge Source: Carrasquillo, M. Valente, T., Wilkin, H., Bright, M.A., Slan, L., Beck, V. and Huang, G. (2003, Nov.). Spanish language TV viewers and health information: Partnering with public health to educate about breast cancer. Paper presented at the American Public Health Association 131st Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Francisco, CA. Data Source: Telemundo Network. (2003).
Contact Vicki Beck, MS Director Hollywood, Health & Society USC Annenberg Norman Lear Center Phone: (323) Phone: (323)