This fan club is dedicated to the great David Hasselhoff. Our mission is to celebrate his greatness and have fun while do so.
Luncheon Our first luncheon will be held on May 22, 2005 in the parking lot of Billy’s Comic Book shop. Bring your Hasselhoff action figures and Baywatch tee shirts. Guests are welcome!
Event June 11, 2005 we will be traveling to San Francisco to see the sights as a club. Bring your Hasselhoff lunch boxes because we will not be stopping for food. One guest is required and they must wear the proper attire.
Meet David! The legend himself will be in Bakersfield, CA and the club will be traveling to see him. Wear proper attire and bring an extra tee shirt for him to sign. Caution: He will only sign will a midnight blue sharpie! So bring one.
Movie Night July 20, 2005 we are having our monthly “movie night.” Bring your pillows and blankets because we will be up all night watching Baywatch re-runs.
Walk the streets August 2, 2005 we will be holding our annual Hoff promotion. We will be walking the streets of Fresno handing out flyers to promote our club. Bring your water bottles!
Fund Raiser August 11, 2005 we will at city hall begging the people of the city for a couple of dollars to fund our club. We only need $57 to be up to our budget. Work Hard!
Appreciation Day October 21, 2005 will be a day to appreciate our beloved David. The entire day will consist of fun activities and events.
Meeting August 27, 2005 we will be having our 2 trimester meeting to go over budget and goals for 2006.
Look-a-like Contest Although no one can come close to the gorgeous looks of our hero, you get you chance to get a little closer than normal. Top prize is a gift certificate to The Goodwill store on Shaw for $20. GOOD LUCK!!!
Weekend Getaway The weekend of November 1, 2005 we are planning a trip to Yosemite. This trip will be lots of fun. Bring your Hoff tee shirts and bumper stickers.
Christmas Party We will be having a Hoff Club Christmas Party. Bring nice Hoff gifts for the gift exchange. Bring the whole family to join in on the festivities.
End of the year/New Year Party The last time we can party it in We will celebrate another year loving David Hasselhoff as well as being excited for the upcoming year! Family and friends are welcome. Its going to get wild!!!