$200 $300 $400 Final Jeopardy $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 PropertyPotpourri Agency & Employment Contracts UCC 2
Agreement Consideration Legality Capacity C1 $100
What are the elements of a contract? C1? $100
Identification of parties Subject matter Price Time for performance C1 $200
What terms must be contained in an offer? C1 $200
A promise made in exchange for a promise. C1 $300
What is a bilateral contract? C1 $300
A contract clause intended to prevent an employee from working for a competitor. C1 $400
What is a noncompete clause? C1 $400
Method of estate distribution that follows family lines - deceased heir’s share goes down to his issue (and only if there is issue) The final Jeopardy answer is: C1 final
What is Per Stirpes?
C2 $100 A law governing an agreement to buy or sell goods.
C2 $100 What is Uniform Commercial Code Article 2?
C2 $200 An implied warranty that goods are fit for their ordinary purpose.
C2 $200 What is a warranty of merchantability?
C2 $300 Under UCC 2, this person always takes goods free and clear of any security interest.
C2 $300 Who is a buyer in the ordinary course of business?
C2 $400 A written statement that certain warranties do not apply or a statement that the goods are sold “as is”.
C2 $400 What is a disclaimer?
C2 $500 An implied warranty that goods are fit for a particular purpose that the seller knows is the buyer’s reason for purchasing the goods.
C2 $500 What is a warranty of fitness?
C3 $100 Goods that have become attached to real property.
C3 $100 What are fixtures?
C3 $200 Gives a person the right to enter land of another for a limited purpose.
C3 $200 What is an easement?
C3 $300 Grants an inventor exclusive right to use an invention
C3 $300 What is a patent?
C3 $400 A type of ownership that may terminate upon the occurrence of some limiting event or condition.
C3 $400 What is a fee simple defeasible?
C3 $500 Law requiring that contracts for the sale of land or for the sale of goods worth more than $500 be in writing.
C3 $500 What is the Statute of Frauds?
C4 $100 A factual mistake that justifies rescission of a contract.
C4 $100 What is a mutual (or bilateral) mistake?
C4 $200 An equitable remedy based on a defendant’s promise on which the plaintiff reasonably relied – to his detriment.
C4 $200 What is promissory estoppel?
C4 $300 Damages agreed upon in advance, in the contract.
C4 $300 What are liquidated damages?
C4 $400 A promise made by one party which in reality obligates him to do nothing.
C4 $400 What is an illusory promise?
C4 $500 A contract clause intended to relieve one party of potential tort liability.
C4 $500 What is an exculpatory clause?
C5 $100 The fiduciary relationship that arises when a one person (principal) assents to another (agent) acting on his behalf and under his control.
C5 $100 What is an agency relationship?
C5 $200 Rule that employer is liable for tortious actions of an employee acting within the scope of his/her authority.
C5 $200 What is Respondeat Superior?
C5 $300 An employee who does not have an explicit contract and who can be fired at any time without a reason.
C5 $300 What is an employee at will?
C5 $400 Defense to a discrimination claim that establishes that discriminatory job requirements are essential to the position in question.
C5 $400 What is a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)?
C5 $500 A type of discrimination that results from a rule that is not discriminatory on its face – only in its impact..
C5 $500 What is a disparate impact?
This Jeopardy template was created by Dr. Robert Pettis, Director An Adventure of the American Mind, University of South Carolina Spartanburg This Jeopardy game was created by Sheila Huber