相声是一种笑的艺术,是在古代笑话与现代笑话的基础上发展起 来的,北京、天津是现代相声的发源地。 相声讲究 “ 说 ” 、 “ 学 ” 、 “ 逗 ” 、 “ 唱 ” 。 “ 说 ” ,说的是灯谜、对联、酒令、 字意、绕口令、俏皮话、反正话、笑话等; “ 学 ” ,学的是人言、 鸟语、市声及各种人物的音容笑貌、各种表情姿态。 “ 逗 ” 说的是甲、 乙二人装成一客一主、一智一愚或一正一反,插科打诨,抓哏逗 趣; “ 唱 ” 主要演唱无伴奏的弦子书、民间小调、太平歌词,学唱京 剧、地方戏并作滑稽表演。表演对口相声时,甲是逗哏的,乙是 捧哏的。逗哏的主要叙述故事的发生发展,摹拟各种人物,发表 褒贬评论;捧哏的对逗哏的叙述,不断提出疑问,展开辩论,或 加以发挥补充,以增加喜剧气氛,使听众发出笑声。相声的结构 是三段体。一般分为 “ 垫话 ”( 即开场白 ) 、 “ 正话 ”( 主要正题 ) 、 “ 攒 底 ”( 结尾 ) 。相声里引人发笑的艺术语言叫 “ 包袱 ” 。运用中有 “ 系包 袱 ” 和 “ 抖包袱 ” 的过程。 “ 包袱 ” 必须风趣而不粗俗,幽默而不油滑, 出人意料之外,又在情理之中,脱颖而出,给人以美的享受
相声是一种笑的艺术,是在古代笑话与现代笑话的基础上 发展起来的,北京、天津是现代相声的发源地。 Xiangsheng, often translated as "crosstalk", is an art of laughter developed on the basis of ancient and modern jokes with Beijing and Tianjin as the very birthplaces of modern Xiangsheng.
相声讲究 “ 说 ” 、 “ 学 ” 、 “ 逗 ” 、 “ 唱 ” 。 Xiangsheng is made up of four skills - speaking, imitating, teasing, and singing. “ 说 ” ,说的是灯谜、对联、酒令、字意、绕口令、俏皮话、 反正话、笑话等; “Speaking” is to talk about lantern riddles, couplets, drinkers' wager games, word meanings, tongue twisters, wisecracks, words with opposite meanings and jokes;
“ 学 ” ,学的是人言、鸟语、市声及各种人物的音容 笑貌、各种表情姿态。 “imitating” is to imitate the cries of birds, animals, peddlers’ hawking, singing tunes and the expressions and words of different people; “ 逗 ” 说的是甲、乙二人装成一客一主、一智一愚或 一正一反,插科打诨,抓哏逗趣; “teasing” is to make impromptu comic gestures and remarks by the two actors, one acting as a guest and the other as a host, or one as a wise man and the other a stupid one, or one as a positive character and the other a negative, thus making fun with jokes and arousing laughter.
“ 唱 ” 主要演唱无伴奏的弦子书、民间小调、太平歌词,学唱 京剧、地方戏并作滑稽表演。 and “singing” is to sing xuanzishu without accompaniment (a kind of blind story-telling), folk tunes, Taiping Geci (a form of lyrical oration), Beijing opera, local opera and perform some burlesque show.
表演对口相声时,甲是逗哏的,乙是捧哏的。 Duikou xiangsheng is performed by two people, one is called Dougen and the other Penggen. 逗哏的主要叙述故事的发生发展,摹拟各种人物,发表褒 贬评论;捧哏的对逗哏的叙述,不断提出疑问,展开辩论, 或加以发挥补充,以增加喜剧气氛,使听众发出笑声。 The main task for Dougen is to narrate the story, imitate different persons in the story and make comments, while the task of Penggen is to keep asking questions, debating and making some supplements so as to increase the comic atmosphere, triggering the audience into laughter.
相声的结构是三段体。一般分为 “ 垫话 ”( 即开场白 ) 、 “ 正 话 ”( 主要正题 ) 、 “ 攒底 ”( 结尾 ) 。 The structure of Xiangsheng consists of three sections, namely, Dianhua (opening remarks), Zhenghua (the main subjects) and Zandi (the ending).
相声里引人发笑的艺术语言叫 “ 包袱 ” 。运用 中有 “ 系包袱 ” 和 “ 抖包袱 ” 的过程。 “ 包袱 ” 必须 风趣而不粗俗,幽默而不油滑,出人意料之 外,又在情理之中,脱颖而出,给人以美的 享受. The artistic language used to make audience laugh in xiangsheng is called “baofu” (package). The preparing process of a joke in xiangsheng is called “tying the baofu” and the showing of the punch line is called “opening up the baofu”. The baofu must be witty but not vulgar, humorous but not foxy, unexpected but also reasonable, coming out naturally and enjoyably.