Assessing Impacts of Citizen Engagement Through Public Deliberation Presented by Sue Williams, Ph.D. Ron C. Powers, Ph.D. Renée Daugherty, Ph.D. Wendy Pettersen
Purpose of Study Purpose of Study To determine the impact of Public Policy Institutes (PPI’s) and subsequent local issues forums on fostering citizen engagement through public deliberation. To determine the impact of Public Policy Institutes (PPI’s) and subsequent local issues forums on fostering citizen engagement through public deliberation.
Objectives For Public Policy Institute Participants Determine to what extent participants have convened, moderated, and/or recorded local issue forms or facilitated this process. Determine to what extent participants have convened, moderated, and/or recorded local issue forms or facilitated this process. Determine if they organized a local steering committee or network to support local issue forums. Determine if they organized a local steering committee or network to support local issue forums. Determine if local forums reached common ground or a direction for policy. Determine if local forums reached common ground or a direction for policy. Determine to what extent participants have convened, moderated, and/or recorded local issue forms or facilitated this process. Determine to what extent participants have convened, moderated, and/or recorded local issue forms or facilitated this process. Determine if they organized a local steering committee or network to support local issue forums. Determine if they organized a local steering committee or network to support local issue forums. Determine if local forums reached common ground or a direction for policy. Determine if local forums reached common ground or a direction for policy.
Objectives For PPI Participants Con’t. Determine what type of follow up resulted from local forums. Determine what type of follow up resulted from local forums. Identify how participants have used the deliberative approach in professional personal settings. Identify how participants have used the deliberative approach in professional personal settings. Determine what type of follow up resulted from local forums. Determine what type of follow up resulted from local forums. Identify how participants have used the deliberative approach in professional personal settings. Identify how participants have used the deliberative approach in professional personal settings.
Objectives For Forum Participants Identify how participants have used the deliberative approach in professional and personal settings. Identify how participants have used the deliberative approach in professional and personal settings. Determine if local forums explored specific issues in depth. Determine if local forums explored specific issues in depth. Determine if common ground identifying a policy direction was achieved. Determine if common ground identifying a policy direction was achieved. Determine the extent of public action resulting from public forums. Determine the extent of public action resulting from public forums. Identify how participants have used the deliberative approach in professional and personal settings. Identify how participants have used the deliberative approach in professional and personal settings. Determine if local forums explored specific issues in depth. Determine if local forums explored specific issues in depth. Determine if common ground identifying a policy direction was achieved. Determine if common ground identifying a policy direction was achieved. Determine the extent of public action resulting from public forums. Determine the extent of public action resulting from public forums.
National Issues Forums(NIF) Project Part of Kettering’s “Citizens and Public Choice” program Part of Kettering’s “Citizens and Public Choice” program Non-partisan, non-advocacy Non-partisan, non-advocacy Nation-wide network (about 30 states) Nation-wide network (about 30 states) Issues identified each year Issues identified each year Issue books/videos Issue books/videos Local issue forums Local issue forums Part of Kettering’s “Citizens and Public Choice” program Part of Kettering’s “Citizens and Public Choice” program Non-partisan, non-advocacy Non-partisan, non-advocacy Nation-wide network (about 30 states) Nation-wide network (about 30 states) Issues identified each year Issues identified each year Issue books/videos Issue books/videos Local issue forums Local issue forums
National Issues Forums (NIF) Philosophy “… rooted in the simple notion that people need to come together to people need to come together to reason and talk – to deliberate reason and talk – to deliberate about common problems. Indeed, about common problems. Indeed, democracy requires an on-going democracy requires an on-going deliberative dialogue.” deliberative dialogue.” NIF Overview NIF Overview “… rooted in the simple notion that people need to come together to people need to come together to reason and talk – to deliberate reason and talk – to deliberate about common problems. Indeed, about common problems. Indeed, democracy requires an on-going democracy requires an on-going deliberative dialogue.” deliberative dialogue.” NIF Overview NIF Overview
Public Deliberation A structured dialogue framed using 3-4 A structured dialogue framed using 3-4 policy approaches policy approaches A means to make tough choices about policy directions A means to make tough choices about policy directions A way of reasoning and talking together A way of reasoning and talking together - Weighs the views of other - Considers consequences and trade-offs - Respects the perspectives and values of others others A means to find common ground for action A means to find common ground for action A structured dialogue framed using 3-4 A structured dialogue framed using 3-4 policy approaches policy approaches A means to make tough choices about policy directions A means to make tough choices about policy directions A way of reasoning and talking together A way of reasoning and talking together - Weighs the views of other - Considers consequences and trade-offs - Respects the perspectives and values of others others A means to find common ground for action A means to find common ground for action
Anatomy of a Public Problem Public Problem FactsMythsValues/Beliefs Public Decision
CollaborationCollaboration Oklahoma State University Oklahoma State University University of Missouri Kettering Foundation
InstrumentInstrument Collaborative Development Collaborative Development Telephone Interview Format Telephone Interview Format Pilot Tested Pilot Tested –California –Florida –South Dakota –West Virginia Collaborative Development Collaborative Development Telephone Interview Format Telephone Interview Format Pilot Tested Pilot Tested –California –Florida –South Dakota –West Virginia
SampleSample Participants of five PPI’s (N=87) Participants of five PPI’s (N=87) Forum Participants (N=118) Forum Participants (N=118) Participants of five PPI’s (N=87) Participants of five PPI’s (N=87) Forum Participants (N=118) Forum Participants (N=118)
Public Policy Institute Participants Involvement In Issue Forums Number of Forums Number Number Percent of Total None Total
Number and Types of Forum Involvement Issue Area Number of Forums Involved With Percent of Total Responses Family Centered Issues Environmental Issues Land Use Issues Economic Issues Race Related Death & Dying Governing Community Related All Other Issue Areas
Forum Involvement N=40 Forum Involvement N=40 Type of Involvement Number of Participants Percent of Total Organized group to support forums Convened a forum Moderated a forum Recorded a forum Participated in forum
Usefulness of Deliberative Approach Usefulness of Deliberative Approach Use of the deliberative approach Number Using Percent of Total Number rating Useful Very Useful Percent rating Useful Very Useful In your work In your family life In your civic life In your religious community In dealing with public issues
Forum Participants N = 118 N = 118 Three Counties In Missouri Three Counties In Missouri -Balancing Our Heritage With Our Horizons (locally framed issue) -Racial and Ethnic Tensions: What Should We Do? -A Nice Place to Live: Creating Communities, Fighting Sprawl
Participant Preparation for the Forums Participant Preparation for the Forums Actions Taken Actions Taken Number Number Percent of Total Percent of Total Read materials Discussed with others Thought about the issue Sought added information Tried to get local information
Participant Rating Of Forum Dynamics Part 1 Participant Rating Of Forum Dynamics Part 1 Forum Dynamic Forum Dynamic Number Rating Dynam Charac. or Very Charac Percent of Total Percent of Total Forum was held in comfortable setting All were encouraged to share their views Moderator dominated the deliberation Deliber. weighed costs/ benefits of each choice A few did all the talking There was ample opportunity to talk
Participant Rating of Forum Dynamics Part 2 Forum Dynamic Forum Dynamic Number Rating Dynamic Charac. Very Charac. Number Rating Dynamic Charac. Very Charac. Percent of Total Percent of Total Moderator was neutral Differing views were expressed All opinions were heard Audience was diverse Conversation was free- flowing Persps. of those not present were consid’d
Participant Rating of Forum Dynamics Part 3 Forum Dynamic Forum Dynamic Number rating Dynamic Charac. or Very Charac. Percent of Total Percent of Total Each choice got a fair and equal treatment The issues and choices were clearly presented Trade-offs and conseqs were considered Common ground was identified Comm. awareness about the issues increased
Outcomes of Issue Forums as Perceived by Participants Outcome Outcome Number indicating Number indicating “yes” “yes” Percent of total Percent of total indicating “yes” indicating “yes” A comm. task force or committee was organized Contact was made with office holders A study group was formed Additional forums planned or conducted Stories about the issue were feat. in local media Issue is “now on the table” in the community Partics.began to network with others on the issue
Participant Use of the Forum Experience Type of Participant Response Number indicating “yes” “yes” Percent of Total indicating “yes” Changed perspective on the issue Changed how you talk to people about the issue Shared materials with others Organized another forum with other people Organized a group to work on the issue Joined a group to work on the issue
Other Participant Comments About Forum Experience Response Category Total Responses Percent of Grand Total Number of Positive/Neu- tr. Comments Number of Negative Comments See Issue - Forums as a Comm. Tool Publicity, Awareness, Participation Educational, Increased Knowledge Preference Ranking Tool Solutions,Outcomes
Other Participant Comments About Forum Experience Con’t. ResponseCategoryTotalResponses Percent of Grand Total Number of Pos./NeutralComments NegativeComments Moderation,Presentation “Their Agenda” Forum Structure All Other Comments None Total
Conclusions for PPI Participants Use of Deliberative Approach Use of Deliberative Approach 46% active after the PPI participated in teams participated in teams returned to the community and formed a team-58% returned to the community and formed a team-58% participated in a forum soon after PPI participated in a forum soon after PPI Type of Use and Usefulness Type of Use and Usefulness Three highest ratings WorkWork civic life civic life dealing with the public dealing with the public
Conclusions for Forum Participants High Forum Ratings Exploring Issues In Depth High Forum Ratings Exploring Issues In Depth Weighing costs and benefitsWeighing costs and benefits Fair and equal treatment of choicesFair and equal treatment of choices Trade-offs and consequencesTrade-offs and consequences Identification of Common Ground Identification of Common Ground
Conclusions for Forum Participants Con’t. Extent of Action Community Local mediaLocal media Office holdersOffice holders Additional forumsAdditional forums Individual Sharing materials with othersSharing materials with others Changed how one talks to people about issueChanged how one talks to people about issue Changed perspective on the issueChanged perspective on the issue
For More Information Contact Sue Williams, Ph.D. Family Policy Specialist Renee Daugherty, Ph.D. Education Methods Specialist