LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Providing the Grid Information Service with information of local farms Massimo Biasotto – INFN LNL Massimo Sgaravatto – INFN Padova
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Overview Overview of information published in GIS by default Analysis of useful information provided by local resource management systems (LSF and Condor) First proposal of a new schema Conclusions and future work
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Default schema: GlobusServiceJobManager
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Default schema: GlobusQueue Many useless fields (always set to 0) totalnodes and freenodes not correct for LSF
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Default schema: GlobusQueueEntry start time and schedspecific always set to NULL
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Info provided by local RMS Both LSF and Condor offer commands to get exhaustive information on the status of the farm LSF main commands: –bhosts, lshosts, lsload: hosts info –bqueues: queues info –bjobs: jobs info Condor main commands: –condor_status: hosts info –condor_q: jobs info
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Proposed schema Farm represented by a set of queues Each queue is a set of “homogeneous” resources LSF: supports queues Condor: single queue (set of hosts in Condor pool sharing same architecture and O.S.) Service (JobManager) Queue QueueEntry (JobId)
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Proposed schema: Service Info on Architecture and OpSys moved to Queue object
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Proposed schema: Queue TotalCpus and FreeCpus correctly defined Info on Cpu power not available in LSF Publish info on users? Publish info on scheduling policies?
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Proposed schema: QueueEntry Info on CpuTime not available in Condor
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Implementing the new schema Two options available: –modify LDAP objects in current default schema –create new LDAP objects Second approach is preferable: –doesn’t require changes to Globus source code –more flexible for future extensions First version of scripts to compute LSF TotalCpus and FreeCpus: –more testing needed –send them to globus-discuss mailing list?
LNL M.Biasotto, Bologna, 20 novembre Future work Current proposal based only on LSF and Condor: take into account other Resource Management Systems (PBS) Implementation of the new schema Future use will provide suggestions for changes and extensions to this preliminary schema