Horstermeerpolder ME1-WP3 Goal of the research The Horstermeerpolder Overview of measurement techniques Preliminary results Further research & planned papers Collaboration
Research Goals This research aims to assess the effects of changing environment and management practices on the greenhouse gas fluxes from peat meadow areas. The research goals are: 1. To asses the possibility of water level manipulation as a management tool for GHG fluxes from peat meadow areas; 2. To understand the controlling mechanisms of GHG fluxes (CO2, CH4,N2O) emissions in natural fen meadows; 3. To improve the estimates of the contribution of the fen meadow areas to overall land use GHG emissions from the Netherlands.
The Horstermeerpolder
Former agricultural land in drained natural lake Taken out of agricultural production more than 10 years ago semi-natural grassland Ditch water table has been raised to 10 cm below surface Peat meadow underlain by Pleistocene sands and overlain with organic-rich lake deposits. Groundwater seepage The Horstermeerpolder
meteorology tower eddy-correlation tower fixed site flux chamber measurements planned fixed site flux- chamber measurements discharge measurements soil measurements hydrological measurements Measurement techniques
Other measurement techniques Flux chamber measurements ( CO 2, CH 4 & N 2 O) at fixed sites, on ditchwater and in grid setup. Additional measurements at fixed sites for flux chamber measurements Water quality: TOC, dissolved CH4, pH, EC, cations and anions Water quantity: groundwater, soil water, discharge, precipitation Vegetation analysis Soil analysis
Additional site: Ruwiel Peat land reserve Fen meadow Hay pasture High groundwater table Never manured, mown once a year Interesting for comparisons: Vegetation is different than at Horstermeer, while soil profiles are the same
Preliminary results
Eddy Correlation Energy Balance NEE and Cumulative NEE Yearly NEE = 576 gC/m2 uptake (5.76 ton/hectare) growing season 2005: 24 March to 16 October
Flux Chamber measurements: Horstermeerpolder
* N 2 O measurements not significant Flux data on land Flux data on water: CH4 very high
Spatially variability over short distances Groundwater table and CH4 flux are correlated Temperature and CH4 flux are correlated
High CH4 fluxes do not always coincide with high water levels!!
CH4 flux higher along the ditches High porosity seems to correlate with low CH4 fluxes
Flux Chamber measurements: Ruwiel
Continuous measurements of CH4 using eddy- covariance techniques with a tunable diode fast methane analyzer (DLT-100) Measuring concentration profiles for CO2 (and CH4) Measuring CH4 fluxes from water surfaces Further analysis of the relation between CH4 fluxes and water level, water quality, soil temperature, vegetation and soil parameters The Next Years…
and… Analysis of the relation of CH4 and CO2 Relating the eddy-covariance measurements to land use in the Horstermeerpolder, using footprint techniques and GIS Modeling the data and improving the PEATLAND model
Measurement campaigns Discussion group Measurement protocol Exchange of useful data Collaborative papers Collaboration with WUR, ECN and Alterra