Integration & Information Marc and Qian
USTC Laser Pulse TrainLaser Signal from Barrel TOF Counter
USTC/UH Connected and running.
IHEP fiber installation tool.
Fiber tool with fiber
Fiber installation practice
Cabling practice: we will first install fiber, then cable, fiber will be glued to PMT tube, and then joined to PMT cables.
Preparation for installing TOF barrel and MDC. (2 or 3 days from today)
Faulty calorimeter cabling, must be redone before end yoke can close.
Barrel fibers will be temporarily taped to this surface during initial testing.
Current position of laser rack.
The final possition for the laser rack, next year.
Spacing between racks = 110 cm, laser box = 92 cm (just fits).
NO Place to stand!!! We will use a table between racks for alligning the laser.
Possible temporary location for testing laser box and fibers (using a clean bench).