1 Design Group 2 Kat Donovan - Team Leader Andrew DeBerry Mike Kinder John Mack Jeff Newcamp Andrew Prisbell Nick Schumacher Conceptual Design for AME 441 Spring 2004
2 Group 2 – Ducted Design
3 Overview Aircraft Configuration & Design Drivers Comparison Aircraft CAD Models Spreadsheet Decisions ♣Airfoil Choice ♣Engine Selection ♣Weight & Drag Estimates ♣Static Stability Conclusions & Lessons Learned Design & Build Schedule
4 Aircraft Configuration (Requirements) Powered by electric motor Carry specified payload Take-off in < 300 feet on grass Planform area between 400 in 2 & 800 in 2 Radio control system with up to 7 channels Design Drivers Maximize the climb rate Maximize the level flight speed
5 Comparison Aircraft * Information from † Information from ‡ Information from Design and Construction of a Remote Piloted Flying Wing, May 2, 1994
6 CAD Models Electronics BoxBattery Pack (x2)Circuit Card ServoGPS ReceiverModem
7 CAD Models - Dimensions
8 NACA 6412 ♣Low Reynolds Number airfoil ♣t/c ratio large enough to house internal electronics Airfoil Choice
9 Sample Lift Estimation
10 Engine Selection: Astro Cobalt 15 Model No.p/n 615G Name05 Geared Gear Ratio2.38 to 1 Armature Winding7 turns Armature Resistance0.069 ohms Magnet TypeSm Cobalt BearingsBall Bearings Motor Speed1488 rpm/volt Geared Motor Speed652 rpm/volt Motor Torque/amp0.91 in-oz /amp Geared Torque2.17 in-oz /amp Voltage Range8 to 12 volts No Load Currrent2 amps Maximum Continuous Current25 amps Maximum Continuous Power400 watts Gear Motor Length3.3 inches Motor Diameter1.3 inches Motor Shaft Diameter5/32 inch Prop Shaft Diameter1/4 inch Gear Motor Weight9 oz Data from Electric, brushless motor Runs off 16-cell rechargeable battery pack
11 Power Estimate
12 Thrust Estimates
13 Thrust, Drag, Estimates
14 Weight & Drag Estimates Structure3.84 Landing Gear0.6 Engine (Cobalt 15)0.56 Propeller0.06 Servo (x4)0.32 Receiver & Battery0.25 GPS & Transmitter0.5 Electronics Box1.5 Speed Controller0.08 Main Battery0.65 Total:8.36 Aircraft Weights (lbs)
15 Static Stability Fuselage Length L (f)2 Wing Center of Lift L_ctr (x/L) m.a.c. (ft)
16 Conclusions & Lessons Learned Flying wing to maximize rate of climb and level cruise speed Ducted fan to increase propeller efficiency Winglets to reduce drag Tricycle landing wheels to prevent damage during landing At least 24” separation of modem and GPS to limit interference
17 Design & Build Schedule 26 February: Present Detailed Design 4 March: Complete Parts List 16 March: Fabrication 6-9 April: Ground Tests April: Flight Tests
18 Group 2: Nick Schumacher Andrew DeBerry Andrew Prisbell Jeff Newcamp Kat Donovan Mike Kinder John Mack Questions?