1Hank Taiwanese Tea Culture
2Hank Introduction 臺茶之美,美在先民蓽路藍縷, 胼手胝足,開拓臺茶黃金年華。 (The beauty of Taiwanese Tea lies in the hard working of our ancestors, who developed the prime time of Taiwanese Tea.) 臺茶之美,美在今人集思廣益, 眾志成城,展現臺茶絕代風華。 張宏庸 ( The beauty of Taiwanese Tea lies in the ideas from modern people, showing the best of Taiwanese Tea.)
3Hank Origin Introduced by people from China. 烏龍茶 was the first one planted in Taiwan. Since 1858, tea had became an important commerce to England. In 1937, Taiwan exported Black Tea, 烏龍, 包種 to the world.
4Hank Origin 1980, Taiwan tea was gradually sold only in Taiwan. 1981, Taiwan Tea Institute was founded. Tea is a very important beverage for Taiwan People.
5Hank Top Five Taiwanese Tea 凍頂烏龍茶 文山包種茶 東方美人茶 松柏長青茶 木柵鐵觀音
6Hank A Basic Tea Set Tea Pot Tea Cups Tea Cups only for Smelling Tea Cloth Tea Filter Tea Spoon Saucers
7Hank Basic Process of Making Good Tea Use Boiled Water to Clean the Tea Pot Pit Tea Leaves into the Tea Pot Use Boiled Water to Clean the Tea Cups Pour the Hot Water into the Tea Pot from High Space Pour the Tea into the Tea cups “closely” Take the Tea Cup and Smell it around Seconds Taste the Tea Slowly Look at the Host and Thank Him/Her
8Hank Conclusion There are over five million people drinking tea every day in Taiwan There are more and more local brands of tea products: 茶裏王 飲冰室茶集 開喜烏龍茶 Taiwanese tea has played a very important role in Taiwan since Chin Dynasty Taiwanese tea is good for your relationship with people and good for your health
9Hank Thank YOU~