現代作業系統核心 Modern Operating System Kernels CE6130 許富皓
Text Book (1) Title: Publisher: Author(s): Understanding the Linux Kernel, 3nd Edition Publisher: O’REILLY Author(s): Daniel P. Bovet and Marco Cesati
Text Book (2) Title: Publisher: Author(s): Microsoft Windows Internals, Fourth Edition: Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Windows XP, and Windows 2000 Publisher: Microsoft Press Author(s): Mark E. Russinovich and David A. Solomon
Contents: Linux Interrupts and Exceptions (27th Feb.) Linux Interrupts and Exceptions (5th March) Linux Interrupts and Exceptions (12th March) Windows Concepts and Tools (19th March) Windows System Mechanisms (26th March) Windows System Mechanisms (9th April) Windows System Mechanisms (16th April) Windows Management Mechanisms (23rd April) Windows Management Mechanisms (30th April) Windows Startup and Shutdown (7th May) Windows Processes, Threads, and Jobs (14th May) Windows Processes, Threads, and Jobs (21st May) Windows Processes, Threads, and Jobs (28th May) Windows Memory Management (4th June) Windows Memory Management (11th June )
Grading: Presentation : 65% Final : 30% Attendance : 5%