The Teachers of today using the Technologies of tomorrow SLides By: Jemille Kazandra De La Cruz, Keith Kowalski, & Lucas Volk
Old Technologies in the Classroom (what we saw) Elementary Apple lab computers Number Munchers (math games) Various educational programs (games) Overhead projectors Cassette players (music class) Middle School Old Windows PCs (windows 98’) Typing speed/ability improvement programs Old word processing programs Overhead projectors VHS movies + old CRT TVs High School PC labs (Windows 2000 – XP) MS Office (word, power point, excel..) 2000 Out-dated search system for school’s library Overhead projectors Still used old CRT TVs with VHS capabilities Seldom DVD usage
New Technologies in the Classroom (What is seen today) Elementary / Middle School / Highschool Advanced computers / laptops (Mac and PC) Tablet PCs (touch screens) Uniquely developed software designed to interact more efficiently and effectively with students. Ease of recording grades for teachers (i.e., powerful database tools, strong organization, less time spent ‘grading’ – more time spent teaching) While Overhead projectors may still see some use occasionally, Smart Boards / Power point presentations are the up and coming presentation tools for the classroom. Smart boards are quickly becoming extremely effective since they allow the instructor the ability to post notes on class websites and serve as an interactive hands-on tool for the teacher and the class. High definition projectors (another replacement for overheads) DVD/Blueray technology along with flat-screen TVs. Schools often run their ‘news’ through these TVs each morning to students. PDFs and eBooks are slowly replacing physical textbooks in some schools. This is gaining popularity and may become standard in all K- 12 grades soon. (Saves on school’s funds). High Speed internet capabilities. Usage has become exceedingly fast within the last 5-8 years. Students and instructors have massive amounts of knowledge available to them near instantly.
Overall effect of old and new Technologies Classroom Impact of New Technologies vast amount of information now available due to technological influx benefit and engage BOTH teacher and student allows for students to develop new literacy's involving technology Classroom Impact of Old Technologies not interactive or engaging for the students or the teachers very basic and self explanatory cheep and easy to maintain and handle, no programs or special training needed
Dry Erase Board So called “Future Markerboards” features glass-like construction Makes it blend in for any conference room/classroom. Cost ranges from $ $2,080.99; cost depends on the size of the board.
Interactive whiteboard An Interactive whiteboard displays and engages students It also inspires imagination And drive collaboration with the students Optical touch technologies Sleek, Slim and 178° viewing angles Superior picture technologies Cost ranges: $ $1,599.00
The Business Of New Technologies class room technological development has become an extremely profitable business starting with the smart board boom became extremely profitable dominated by company SMARTTECH Questions to be Asked does profitability of educational tools hinder the educational proses? are those in need of these tool able to obtain them? are these tools now essential to a good education or simply an item to supplement education?
Cool things to do with new Technology Smart Board Tricks Teaching With New Tech It would seem that teaching with new technologies with expand exponentially!