The Law office Of Gerald H. Stewart
Gerald H. Stewart has a able-bodied accustomed acceptability for accouterment advancing and top superior representation, who is able-bodied accomplished in claimed abrasion law including medical abuse and workers comp. For over 30 years, Mr. Stewart has been a awful admired claimed abrasion advocate by the acknowledged and bounded community. Don't let allowance companies short-change you; apprentice what your rights are and access the best allowances you are advantaged to receive.
According to the Center for Disease Control (CDC), 4.5 actor Americans are apathetic by dogs anniversary year, and one in 5 of those dog bites will aftereffect in an abrasion that requires medical affliction or treatment. That is about 885,000 individuals who will crave medical attention. Unfortunately, in Encino, California, abounding of those 885,000 individuals will be children. According to the CDC, accouchement amid the ages of 5 and 9 years of age are the a lot of at accident for getting apathetic by a dog or attacked by accession animal. In accession to experiencing the majority of dog bites, accouchement accept a college adventitious of adversity from austere and life-threatening injuries to their neck, face, and head. Besides the astringent and adverse concrete abrasion the adolescent can suffer, getting apathetic by a dog or attacked by accession beastly can be a adverse and life-changing argument that emotionally scars the adolescent for the blow of his life. The afterward individuals complex in dog chaw accidents can be captivated accountable beneath a austere accountability theory: * The Dog’s Owner * The Property Manager * The Land Owner If you, your child, or anyone you apperceive has suffered a dog chaw abrasion in Encino, California, or its surrounding areas, The Law Offices of Gerald H. Stewart encourages you to argue with our accomplished dog chaw attorneys so we can advice you balance the advantage you deserve. The Law Offices of Gerald H. Stewart will advice you prove that the accountable affair bootless to use attention and apparatus assurance measures which could accept prevented the dog’s alarming tendencies.
Children: A part of children, the amount of dog bite–related injuries is accomplished for those ages 5 to 9 years, and accouchement are added acceptable than adults to accept medical absorption for dog bites than adults. Recent analysis shows that the amount of dog–bite accompanying injuries a part of accouchement seems to be decreasing. Adult Males: A part of adults, males are added acceptable than females to be bitten. People with dogs in their homes: A part of accouchement and adults, accepting a dog in the domiciliary is associated with a college accident of dog bites. As the amount of dogs in the home increases, so does the accident of dog bites. Adults with two or added dogs in the domiciliary are 5 times added acceptable to be apathetic than those active after dogs at home.
Dog bites are a abundantly preventable accessible bloom problem, and adults and accouchement can apprentice to abate their affairs of getting bitten. Before you accompany a dog into your household: Consult with a able (e.g., veterinarian, beastly behaviorist, or amenable breeder) to apprentice what breeds of dogs are the best fit for your household. family walking their dogs Dogs with histories of assailment are not acceptable for households with children. Be acute to cues that a adolescent is aflutter or afraid about a dog. If a adolescent seems abashed by dogs, delay afore bringing a dog into your household. Spend time with a dog afore affairs or adopting it. Use attention if bringing a dog into a domiciliary with an baby or toddler. If you adjudge to accompany a dog into your home: Spay/neuter your dog (this generally reduces advancing tendencies). Never leave breed or adolescent accouchement abandoned with a dog. Don’t play advancing amateur with your dog (e.g., wrestling). Properly associate and alternation any dog entering your household. Teach the dog abject behaviors (e.g., rolling over to betrayal the belly and giving up aliment after growling). Immediately seek able admonition (e.g., from veterinarians, beastly behaviorists, or amenable breeders) if the dog develops advancing or abominable behaviors.
dog bite attorney Encino dog bite attorney Encino information for personal injury law including medical malpractice Address: Ventura Boulevard, Suite #905 Encino, California Phone (818) Fax (818) Visit Website: