L eadership E ffectiveness & A dvancement P rogram “Growing Leaders from Within” 1
What is LEAP? LEAP is a unique, one‐year, intensive and interactive leadership development opportunity sponsored by OAR to promote leadership throughout the organization Total professional and personal development process, including training, consistent coaching, and on-going assessments. Opportunity for leadership growth and to acquire additional competencies to improve performance. Low cost, compared with similar programs: weekly time commitment, plus several in-person training sessions Diverse and inclusive, open to full-time federal employees in OAR and NOAA 2
LEAP-Evolution Class of 2011 was the Pilot Year Helped determine what worked best Determined who would benefit from this experience (current and future leaders) Identified and developed topics and projects that would benefit OAR as a whole Overall…. 3
LEAP-Year 1 … the year of the frog 40+ participants 6 Peer Advancement Coaching Teams (PACTS) 5 In-person training sessions 4 Guest (non-NOAA) speakers 1 Outstanding facilitator 4 = “Amazing experience to become a better leader and a better, more centered person.”
LEAP-Year 1 … the year of the frog 5
LEAP-Year 2 …that’s you! Open to OAR and NOAA full-time federal employees, up to 40 participants total Current and future leaders are welcome to apply 4 in-person 3.5 day training sessions near Silver Spring PACT projects and peer coaching 360 reviews by your “community of computation” (supervisors, peers, supervisees) Opportunities to lead an activity at a training session or act as an instructor during LEAP 6
LEAP-Year 2 Who should apply? Qualities of Candidates Commitment to serving OAR and NOAA and are seen as future leaders (at various levels) Capable of successfully taking on broader responsibilities Open to feedback and new ideas (willing to be self-critical and open to coaching) Interest in tackling interpersonal, organizational, and complex societal issues Broad understanding of agency and its values and goals Respect of supervisors, peers, and subordinates High level of competency in his/her discipline 7
LEAP-Year 2 How do I Apply? Complete a LEAP 2012 class application which includes: Questions focusing on your current or future leadership potential and what you might get out of the LEAP program. Questions that your supervisor must complete part of the application, providing both a commitment to support you as well as an evaluation of your leadership potential. 8
LEAP-Year 2 What’s the timeline? 9 Applications are due by: DEADLINE EXTENDED - September 9, 2011 Successful applicants notified by: September 16, 2011 First, can’t be missed, in-person training session: October 25-28, 2011
Questions? Web: oarhq.noaa.gov/LEAP 10