a whole, but rather you must highlight everything in the box, cut it, outline another text box and paste what you cut, back into this new box. This is really the only area where you might have problems! In order to work within a previously placed text box, click the text area once and edit as with any other text. For the two quirky outer columns you will have to click the half of the text box which is closest to the two central columns, in order for the text box to appear. Place your primary affiliation here 1 ; School of Optometry, University of Waterloo 2 ; Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Toronto 3 Introduction Methods Inclusion Criteria / Exclusion Criteria Sample References Results Analysis Acknowledgments This represents two separate text boxes. AMETROPIA GREATER THAN 8D NARROW ANGLES FIELD DEFECTS FROM CAUSES OTHER THAN GLAUCOMA SECONDARY GLAUCOMAS OCULAR DISEASE OTHER THAN GLAUCOMA USE OF CNS DEPRESSANTS OR ONGOING USE OF STEROIDS As far as the two corner crests are concerned, the Waterloo crest has been imported from a “tif” file image supplied by Mario and other crests are available. You can import this and other “tif” images into the poster by clicking “insert” and then “picture”. Always be sure to examine the final poster at a zoom of 100%, please note that at anything lower than 100% you do not see the text, objects, etc. in the true places...don’t be fooled, always view the section at 100% to be sure and then go back and work at 25%. Point form is a good way too....type a line and then hit return for the next bullet. Generally, adding two spaces at the beginning of the line helps clarity. line 3 line 4 Text box : Example of a finished table FIGURES: All pictures, graphs etc. must be in “tif” file form or they will not be read properly by the Designjet printer used across campus. An example of a “tif” file used is found below. Conclusions Abstract Tables may be done one of two ways: they may be pieced together in power point or they may be done in excel and inserted into the poster. Excel is very easy to use.... simply open excel, create your table, highlight and copy it and paste it in power point. Here you may shrink or enlarge it to the required size. Excel will not allow you any fancy borders and it has limited colours, but these can be compensated for in power point. In order to achieve the effects noted below (see poster in hall near rm 217), you must first paste the basic Excel spreadsheet section. The spreadsheet should have the following: 1) The required number of columns with the desired width ; 2) Highlight the entire spreadsheet layout and click a thin border around the outside, highlight the subtitle row and click “borders” to add a thin border on the bottom of this row, highlight each entire column in order to add a thin border separating the columns.; 3) Highlight the subtitle row and give it a “fill” of white, highlight every second row or grouping of information and “fill” it with white. 4) Ensure that the other regions have “no fill” colour; 5) Move the mouse to “tools” then to “options” and then click on the “view” card and make sure that “guidelines” is not X’ed. Once you have pasted the table in power point, you may change the sizing by dragging the corner out, in order to maintain the size ratio. Next, select the table by clicking it once (it may already be selected) then select the “line style “button and chose the double line with the thicker line on top, now select the “fill colour” button and fill it with the colour of your choice. Please note that we have found this beige to be a very effective colour. You can achieve this colour by selecting “other colour” under “fill” and choosing the colour at row 2 column 4 and then selecting “more colours” and moving the arrow towards the white by two colour steps. Either way you will gain an alternating colour table. Some helpful hints on where some of the tools are hidden in powerpoint: View: you want this to be set at “slides” Insert: use “picture” for inserting all images Format: use “font” to apply superscript and subscript use “bullet” to select a unique colour for your bullets use “line spacing” to change the spacing of the section you are working on use “change case” to change the case easily Draw:use “send to back” and “bring to front” to move objects andtext boxes to appropriate positions. turn off “snap to grid” if you find you can't line things up properly There are also a set of guidelines in the tool bar to help line things up properly There are two general ways to print this poster out. The first is on the small 8.5 X 11. This is done by selecting “print” then “printer” then “options” then “options”. At the second option you only need to change the scaling to 18% then hit OK. At the first option if everything is set up properly you don’t need to change anything. At the printer option, chose research. Once back at the general print option, ensure that “slides” is chosen. Then print! After checking the poster at 100% zoom and doing an overall check on an 18% small sheet print out, print the poster out in large size on the HP designjet printer found in Graphic services, rm 277 in Environmental Studies, extension To print: first select slide setup and ensure the settings are correct. Next select “print” then chose “printer” and select the HPdesignjet, then chose options and ensure that output format is “postscript”, paper source is “only one” and paper size is “36 X60”. Select OK, then after checking that it is still on HPdesignjet, select OK, then select “slides” and press OK. The cost of the will be about $75. Purpose: To establish a poster layout which will most suitably represent the school and its research. Method: You will require the appropriate postscript driver for windows; Power Point 4.0; and print drivers for the HPdesignjet printer at environmental studies. All of the above are available from Mario. It is also helpful to have a high resolution monitor with a 1024x768 video card and at least 256 colours.; Excel for easily transferable graphs and Paint Shop Pro for windows, for converting graphic formats (Power point prefers tif). Please not that the power point postscript programming is incorrect and the sizing must be changed to 36x60. (pls ask Mario to change this for you). Please remember that this is a layout program and although this is a template it is not fixed, and you may manipulate it as you see fit.. It is only limited by your creativity. To begin: ensure that the slide is set up as follows: select “slide setup” under “file” and “size the slides” to “custom”, then set “width” to 56 inches and “height” to 36 inches. It should be noted from the start that power point does have some limitations, which we must work around. The lines provided at each side of the four columns are there to act as guidelines for your layout. Please delete these lines when you are finished your poster. The title is straight forward enough, simply highlight it and place your own in the space. You may change the text colour by highlighting the text, choosing the “text colour” button and selecting a colour. If you want to change the colour of any of the blue boxes, simply click the box once, then go to “fill colour” and chose a colour. The blue subtitle headings may be placed anywhere by holding down the left mouse button and dragging it to the desired location. Helvetica font of various sizes appears to be the most effective text. Under each subtitle we have included one text box with helvetica, size 28. You may use the text boxes provided or you can add your own. You create a text box by clicking the text tool and lining the tool up with the left guideline of a column. Hold down a second click in order to drag a text box out to the right guideline. This effort will be effective for the two central columns. One limit of power point arises here. For the two outer columns you will notice that part of the text box will not show up. This is due to the program itself, however it will still allow you to type and edit in the area that you indicated. You can expect these two columns to become very quirky. You will not be able to move the box as Please Highlight this Area and Add your Main Title Highlight and add authors names ie. J.G. Flanagan 1,2,3, D. Williams-Lyn 1