Finance 454: Real Estate Market Analysis A Short Course in the Analysis of Residential and Commercial Real Estate Markets Wayne Foss, MBA, MAI, CRE Foss Consulting Group
2 Introduction n Student Introduction Name Academic Level Real Estate Experience What do you expect to get from this course? Future Goals n Instructor Introduction
3 Course Syllabus n Objectives g To develop an analytical approach to identifying and solving real estate problems n Course Coverage g techniques of real estate market analysis g development of market analysis theories g forecasting techniques n Prerequisites g Fin 351 or equivalent
4 Course Syllabus, con’t... n Required Textbook u Market Analysis for Valuation Appraisals, Fanning, Grissom & Pearson F 1st Edition F The Appraisal Institute n Course Project u Market Analysis of a Commercial or Residential Site F Group Project (3 to 4 students to a group) F Property of my choice F length approximately 30 to 50 pages including exhibits F presentation of findings in class
5 Course Syllabus, con’t... n Examinations u Type F 50% Multiple Choice or True False Closed Book, Closed Notes F 50% Short Answer or Problems Open Book, Open Notes u No Partial Credit u Calculators are permitted, computers are not u Make-up examinations are not permitted F Unless there an extraordinary circumstance
6 Course Syllabus, con’t... n Final Grade Weighting Policy u Mid-term 30% u Final Exam 35% u Course Project 30% u Class Participation 5% F Total:100%
7 Course Syllabus, con’t... The Final Course Grade will be based on the following Scale:
9 Class Schedule DATETOPIC ASSIGNMENT Feb. 2Introduction - 9Real Estate Market Analysis Ch Real Estate Market Analysis Ch Data Sources for Market Analysis Ch 10 Mar. 2Field Assignment - 9Population Forecasting & Ch 6 Economic Base Analysis 16Basic Concepts and Real Estate Marketability Analysis Ch 11 23Highest and Best Use Decisions 30Spring Break - Apr 10Mid-Term Examination -
10 Class Schedule DATETOPIC ASSIGNMENT Apr13Market Analysis for Shopping CentersCh 12, Shopping Centers, con’t 27Market Analysis for Housing: SubdivisionsCh 14 May 4 Market Analysis for Office BuildingsCh Market Analysis for Vacant Land Ch 15 18Case Presentations of Project Papers 25Final Examination
11 Market Analysis n Market Analysis is the study of real estate market conditions for a specific type of property u A Market Study F Macroeconomic Analysis that examines general market conditions of supply, demand, pricing, demographics of a specific area or property type u A Marketability Study F Microeconomic study, examines the marketability of a given property or class of properties. u Investment Analysis u Feasibility Analysis
12 Six Step Market Analysis Process n Step 1: Define the Product u (property productivity analysis) n Step 2: Define Users of the Property u (market delineation) n Step 3: Forecast Demand Factors n Step 4: Inventory and Forecast Competitive Supply n Step 5: Analyze and Interaction of Supply and Demand u (residual demand study) n Step 6: Forecast Subject Capture
13 Levels of Market Analysis n Inferred Demand Studies u Level A F more descriptive than analytical u Level B F relies upon broad based surveys n Fundamental Demand Studies u Level C F employs fundamental forecasting techniques u Level D F use of primary research and surveys
14 Property Productivity Analysis n Site and Improvements u Site analysis n Legal and Regulatory u Zoning and General Plan constraints n Location u Linkages u Urban Growth
15 Highest and Best Use Decisions n Highest and Best Use Analysis u Land or Site as though vacant u Property as Improved u Systematic Approach to analysis F Legally Permissibility, Physically Possible, Financial Feasibility, Maximally Productive n Timing n Feasibility Rent
16 Population Forecasting n Definitions of: u Projections (prediction) u Forecast n Curve Fitting, then extrapolation u Six Alternative Curves n Forecasts using building permit data
17 Economic Base Analysis n Use is to determine the concentration of an industry in a given place n Definitions of: u Economic Base u Development of Location Quotients n Types of Data utilized u Basic versus non-basic employment
18 Sources of Demand n Employment u Manufacturing u Services (Office Users) n Population Growth u Housing Units u Shopping
19 Shopping Centers n Types of Shopping Centers u Tenant Mix and Size n Trade Area u defined in terms of: F Primary, Secondary, Tertiary F Driving time F Total Sales
20 Market Analysis for Housing n Market delineation to determine its components n Segment housing demand by: u housing type u ability to pay
21 Office Buildings n Building Types n Office Building Terms u Gross Building Area u Rentable Area u Rented Area u Net Occupied Space (Useable) u Efficiency Ratio n Segment office demand by: u type of office building u location F ie: CBD vs. Suburbs
22 Vacant Land n Physical and Legal determinants of use n access linkages n land use patterns and community growth n development of a land use plan including timing for potential development
23 Case Presentations and the Market Analysis Report n Case Presentations u 3 to 4 students to a group u 15 to 20 minute presentation of findings n The Market Analysis Report u Complete Self-Contained Format u 30 to 50 pages
24 So That’s An Introduction to Real Estate Market Analysis Wayne Foss, MBA, MAI, CRE, Fullerton, CA USA Phone: (714) Fax: (714)