The university in the iPod. Can the podcast reach the many students that the lecture misses? Susan E. AHERNE Tourism, Hospitality and Events Management.
Points to consider Flexibility and learner control. Learner motivation and engagement. Cognition and learning. Novel way of presenting information and instruction. Distance learning locations. Fostering learning discussions. Students’ contribution. Accommodating ‘different strokes’. E.g. VARK. Moving from entertainment to learning. Salmon and Nie, (2008: 3-10)
Stages in Making a podcast 1. The recording 2. The uploading 3. The listening (sound check)
Making your podcast. Work in pairs. Think about your response to some of the 9 points- OR Why you do not podcast? Speak into the Digital Voice recorder, I usually introduce myself and say the date and title too. Upload onto laptop- You will need Windows media player or similar to listen or StudyNet module site- Teaching resources & attach file. Test that the podcast ‘sounds’ OK.
References Dale, C. (2007) ‘Strategies for using podcasting to support student learning’. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport & Tourism Education. 6 (1), Garrison, D.R. and Anderson, T. (2003) E-Learning in the 21 st Century, a framework for research and practice. London: Routledge Falmer. Huann, T.Y. and Thong, M.K. (2006) Audio blogging and Podcasting in education, Literature%20Review%20on%20audioblogging%20and%20podcasting.pdf (accessed 15 Nov 2010) Hyseni, H. and Seed, K. (2010) Research study on video and audio podcasting on a large under graduate final year module. On line conference Salmon, G. and Nie, M. “Doubling the life of iPods” in Salmon, G. and Edirisingha, P. (eds.) (2008) Podcasting for Learning in Universities. Maidenhead: Open University Press, McGraw-Hill Education. Stokes, C. W.; Beck, S and Perren, R. (2008) ‘Does podcasting make a difference? An account of podcast use in teacher and student-led teaching in two faculties at the University of Sheffield. [online] _Stokes.doc _Stokes.doc