Persistent Organic Pollutants in Marine Ecosystems
PoPs in Swedish Breast Milk
Halogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons Chlorine Bromine Fluorine
Types of PoP Pesticides Industrial Chemicals By-Products
Toxicity of PoPs Related to structure Related to ‘most toxic substance’ –2,3,7,8 tetrachloro dibenzo dioxin Toxicity Equivalent - TEQ –Relative Factor of 1 for 2,3,7,8 TCDD
Dioxins/Furans 75 individual chlorinated dioxins 135 individual chlorinated furans Very stable & bind to soils and sediment
Associated Issues Bioaccumulation – Biomagnification Loss of higher predators Adverse impacts on marine food chains Fish eating – Gt Lakes of North America, Baltic & North Sea Birth defects, reduced aptitude in new born babies Endocrine Disruption
PCBs – Major Problems Baltic Sea & North Sea Gt Lakes of North America Hudson River Local “difficulties” : –Mersey Estuary & Liverpool Bay
Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls 209 Compounds - ca 100 in env Highly inert Introduced 1930s Discovered in environment 1966 by Jensen in Sweden during analysis for DDT 750,000 tonnes manufactured
Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls Banned by USEPA in new uses in 1979 Manufacture completely banned in 1984
Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls Technical Mixtures –Arochlor 1242 –Arochlor 1254 –Arochlor 1262
Flame Retardents Polybrominated diphenyl ethers
Impacts of tissue residues Endocrine Disruption
Intersex Mersey Male Flounde r Gonad Intersex Flounder
Endocrine Disruption Molluscs –– TBT - IMPOSEX