1 Example S' S, S CC, C cC, C d State 0. Closure({[S' S, $]}) = { S' S, $ S CC, FIRST( $) S CC, $ C cC, FIRST(C$) C cC, c / d C d, FIRST(C$) C d, c / d } State 1. Closure({[S' S , $]}) = {S' S , $ } Constructing canonical LR(1) Parsing Tables (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p230)
2 State 2. Closure({[S C C, $]}) = { S C C, $ C cC, FIRST( $) C cC, $ C d, FIRST( $) C d, $ } State 3. Closure({[C c C, c/d]}) = {C c C, c/d C cC, FIRST( c/d) C cC, c/d C d, FIRST( c/d) C d, c/d } Constructing canonical LR Parsing Tables (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p230)
3 State 4. Closure({[C d, c/d]}) = {C d , c/d} State 5. Closure({[S CC , $]}) = {S CC , $} State 6. Closure({[C c C, $]}) = { C c C, $ C cC, FIRST( $) C cC, $ C d, FIRST( $) C d, $ } Constructing canonical LR Parsing Tables (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p230)
4 State 7. Closure({[C d , $]}) = {C d , $} State 8. Closure({[C cC , c/d]}) = {C cC , c/d } State 9. Closure({[C cC , $]}) = {C cC , $ } Constructing canonical LR Parsing Tables (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p230)
5 State 0. {S' S, $; S CC, $; C cC, c/d; C d, c/d} State 1. {S' S , $ } State 2. { S C C, $; C cC, $; C d, $ } State 3. {C c C, c/d; C cC, c/d; C d, c/d} State 4. {C d , c/d} State 5. {S CC , $} State 6. { C c C, $; C cC, $; C d, $ } State 7. {C d , $} State 8. {C cC , c/d } State 9. {C cC , $ } Constructing canonical LR Parsing Tables (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p230)
6 Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240) 1. Kernel set: Represent a set of items I by its kernel, i.e. by those items that are either the initial item [S' S, $], or that have the dot somewhere other than at the beginning of the right side. 2. Parsig actions: Any item calling for a reduction by A will be in the kernel unless = . Reduction by A is called for on input a iff there is a kernel item [B C , b] such that C ⇒ *A for some , and a is in FIRST( b).
7 Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240) 3. Shift actions: The shift actions generated by I can be determined from the kernel of I as follows: We shift on input a if there is a kernel item [B C , b] where C ⇒ * ax in derivation in which the last step does not use an -production. 4. Goto transition: If [B X , b] is in the kernel of I, then [B X , b] is in the kernel of goto(I, X). Item [A X , a] is also in the kernel of goto(I, X) if there is an item [B C , b] in the kernel of I, and C ⇒ *A for some .
8 Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240) 5. Expand the proper lookahead symbols to kernels Spontaneously: Consider item [B C , b] in the kernel of I. Suppose C ⇒ *A for some , and A X is a production. Then A X is in goto(I, X). The lookahead symbols for A X are the set of FIRST( ). By definition, $ is generated spontaneously as a lookahead for the item S' S in the initial set of items.
9 Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240) 5. Expand the proper lookahead symbols to kernels Propagate: Another source of lookaheads for item A X , if ⇒ * , then the set b is also the lookaheaks of A X . (B C, C A, FOLLOW(A) FOLLOW(C) FOLLOW(B))
10 Algorithm 4.12 Determining lookaheads Input. The kernel K of a set of LR(0) items I and a grammar symbol X Output. The lookaheads: propagated and spontaneously generated Method. for each item B in K { J' = closure({[B , #]}); if [A X , a] is in J' where a is not # then lookahead a is generated spontaneously for item A X in goto(I, X) if [A X , #] is in J' then lookaheads propagate from B in I to A X in goto(I, X) } Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240)
11 Example. S' S, S L = R | R,L *R | id, R L The Kernels of the sets of LR(0) items are: 0. S' S 6. S L= R 1. S' S 7. L *R 2. S L =R 8. R L R L 9. S L=R 3. S R 4. L * R 5. L id Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240)
12 Example. S' S, S L = R | R, L *R | id, R L 0. S' S, S L=R, S R, L *R, L id, R L 1. S' S 2. S L =R, R L 3. S R 4. L * R 5. L id 6. S L= R 7. L *R 8. S L=R Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240)
13 Propagation of lookaheads (by algorithm 4.12) 0. S' S on S 1. S' S on L 2. S L =R, R L on R 3. S R on * 4. L * R on id 5. L id 2. S L =R on = 6. S L= R 6. S L= R on R 9. S L=R on L 8. R L on * 4. L * R on id 5. L id 4. L * R on R 7. L *R on L 8. R L on id 5. L id on * 4. L * R Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240)
14 Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240) Computation of lookaheads: itemInitPass 1Pass 2 Pass3 0. S' S $ Default$$$ 1. S' S $$$ 2. S C C $$$ 3. S R $$$ 4. L * R = spontaneous$ / = 5. L id = spontaneous$ / = 6. S L= R $$ 7. L *R =$ / = 8. R L =$ / = 9. S L=R $
15 Example S' S, S CC, C cC, C d Kernels: 0. S' S 1. S' S 2. S C C 3. C c C 4. C d 5. S CC 6. C cC Constructing canonical LR Parsing Tables (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p230)
16 Propagation of lookaheads (by algorithm 4.12) 0. S' S on S 1. S' S on C 2. S C C on c 3. C c C on d 4. C d 2. S C C on C 5. S CC 3. C c C on C 6. C cC Constructing canonical LR Parsing Tables (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p230)
17 Efficient Construction of LALR Parsing Tables(Aho, Sethi, & Ullman p240) Computation of lookaheads: itemInitPass 1Pass 2 Pass3 0. S' S $ Default$$ 1. S' S $$ 2. S C C $$ 3. C c C c/d spontaneousc/d/$ 4. C d c/d spontaneousc/d/$ 5. S CC $ 6. C cC c/d spontaneousc/d/$