LHCb Project Review Neville Harnew 3 rd October 2006 Introduction to LHCb and Oxford’s work Summary of work over the last year Physics work and planning Future plans
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review LHCb introduction LHCb will: 1. Make precision measurements of CP violation in the decay of all flavours of B mesons 2. Search for New Physics in rare B decays e.g. B→μ + μ - 3. (Hopefully) discover NEW PHysics LHCb will make measurements from day one Low energy run in 2007 First physics run in 2008 Schematic of the LHCb experiment 2 Ring Imaging Cerenkov detectors (RICHes) provide particle ID over a wide range of momenta-key for hadronic B decays important for CP studies RICH electronics, mechanics and software, along with physics preparation and Grid are Oxford’s LHCb activities
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review The LHCb Oxford group Faculty: N. Harnew & G. Wilkinson Dept. Lecturer: J. Libby Postdocs: R. Muresan & P. Spradlin Students: V. Gligorov, A. Powell, S. Brisbane, Lauren Martin, & Philip Xing Electronic Engineer: P. Sullivan Electronic Technicians: N. Rotolo Drawing office: R. Senanayake System Engineer: S. Topp-Jorgensen Grid programmers: C. Cioffi & A. Soroko
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review The LHCb RICH1 detector HPD plane: 7 columns, 14 tubes each Magnetic shield box Vertical X-section RICH1 is undergoing phased programme of design and construction
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review RICH2 - in place in the LHCb pit
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review Status of Oxford hardware projects RICH Level-0 electronics RICH-1 mechanics
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review Status of the L0 electronics Oxford’s responsibility is the front-end electronics for the RICH detectors Hybrid Photo-Detectors (HPDs) detect the Cherenkov radiation by detecting photoelectrons on a 32×32 pixel detector encapsulated within the detector readout pixel chip silicon detector Schematic of a HPD section 72 mm
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review The production L0 board PIXEL anodes Kaptons 10 cm 16.5 cm
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review Production status 300 boards to be produced and tested in Oxford 242 boards required to equip both RICHes The performance is excellent Half of boards have been produced and 1/3 rd shipped to CERN for mounting in the RICHes [on time and within budget] ECS and DCS in preparation Andrew Powell, Nicolo Rotolo Sean Brisbane Phil Sullivan Stig Topp Jorgensen Jim Libby Neville Harnew
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review HPD column Andrew Powell, Nicolo Rotolo Sean Bisbane Phil Sullivan
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review RICH1 mechanics Collaboration with Imperial - produced final design of the RICH1 gas enclosure Produced final engineering drawings Performed FEA to validate design Responsible for procurement of gas enclosure - leak tested in Oxford Designed mechanical support and lifting rig Helped with installation with Imperial Next – design of the photon detector region Rohan Senanayake
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review Physics work and planning RICH calibration measurement Charm physics
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review RICH calibration Using golden kinematics of D *+ →D 0 π + decays to select a pure samples of D 0 →K - π + (and charge conjugate decays) The charge of the tracks from the D 0 decays define pure samples of π and K from which identification efficiencies can be derived solely from data (GeV/c) Raluca Muresan, Guy Wilkinson
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review Getting at γ LHCb will make direct measurements of the unitarity triangle angle γ Classic channel B 0 s →D s K suffers several problems with ambiguous solutions and limited statistics (14 o precision in one year) We are exploring alternative channels to measure γ From B factories: Guy Wilkinson, Jim Libby, Andrew Powell, Neville Harnew
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review γ is the weak phase between b→cus ( V cb ) and b→ucs ( V ub ) Very promising strategies for being pursued in Oxford Dalitz plot fit to 3 body decays D 0 →K s ππ and also 4 body decays exploits interferences between sub-resonances in decay current world best measurement from e + e - B factories LHCb expects ~2000 events to tape per year (3-body) Atwood-Dunietz-Soni method with D 0 →Kπ and D 0 →Kπππ Sensitivities expected range from 4-14 o (parameter dependent) Measuring γ: B + →D 0 K + D 0 and D 0 decay to a common final state
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review Charm physics Oxford are studying charm physics at LHCb (Oxford are the leading group in LHCb working on charm physics) Inclusive D* higher level trigger stream will provide ½ a billion D 0 decays a year Allows sensitivity to D 0 mixing and CP violation in charm system Patrick Spradlin, Guy Wilkinson
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review LHC Computing GRID activities GANGA (A. Soroko) Grid job control Operational GUI interface, job merging and splitting,….. Bookkeeping task (C. Cioffi) Common interface to metadata between experiments ARDA Client Web Browser Tomcat Servlet Bookkeepin g GANGA application ARDA Server (AMGA) TCP/IP Streaming AP I Ganga.Core GPI GUI CLIP Job Repositor y File Workspace IN/OUT SANDBOX DIAL DIRAC LCG2 gLite localhos t LSF Athena Gaudi Plugin Modules Monitoring SCRIPTS
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review Future plans L0 electronics production completed (end of 2006) RICH1 HPD design finished (end of 2006) RICH commissioning of hardware and software (until end 2007) Preparing physics tools to maximize the potential of the data from day one: Controlling systematic effects with data Measuring γ Charm physics
3/10/2006 Oxford Project Review Looking forward to 2007