Academic Department Profiles: Creating an On-Line Budget Support Notebook Karen A. DeMonte University of Delaware
What Is It? The Budget Support Notebook is a resource document that assists administrators, chairs, and deans in their decision making process.
Three years of institutional workload data are displayed for the Fall and Spring semesters, respectively, as well as an Annual Average for the academic years.
For each of the three fiscal years, data are extracted from the Financial Information System for direct expenditures.
The notebook is organized by college, and by departments within the college. Each section begins with a college- wide summary, then moves to the department level.
Contains Data On… Productivity measures –FTE Majors –Degrees Granted –Student Credit Hours –FTE Faculty Fiscal data –Research and Service expenditures –Cost of Instruction –Revenue Measures
ALL Data for EVERY College and Department Is Accessible by EVERY Dean and Chairperson No SECRETS!
How Is It Used: General information requests Budget allocation requests Requests for additional faculty Academic Program Review Internal peer comparisons
Live Demonstration:
How to develop an on-line Budget Support Notebook: Data Extracts Access Database Perl Program/HTML Template
Source Documents: Faculty Workload Report - examines the teaching activity by individual instructor for the Spring and Fall semesters Expenditures Report- summarizes fiscal year-end direct expenditures by unit within the University’s reporting hierarchy
Course Verification: To ensure that the departments get full credit for courses taught, Department Chairs verify course and instructor information.
Data Extracts: Data from the Student Records, Human Resources, and Financial Information systems is extracted and imported into Microsoft Access Data Extract SIS HR FIN
Access Database: Several tables, queries, and forms work together to present or calculate data points that are ultimately merged into a single tab-delimited file.
Import Data Files into Access Faculty Workload –Term –College ID –Department ID (key) –Student credit hrs – lower –Student credit hrs – upper –Student credit hrs – grad –Course enrollment – lower –Course enrollment – upper –Course enrollment – grad –Total teaching credits (all fac) –Total teaching credits – appt –Total student credit hrs – appt Expenditures Report –Fiscal Year –Hierarchy code (key) –Unit title –Research expenditures –Public service expenditures –Instruction expenditures Hierarchy Table (lookup) –Hierarchy code –College ID –Department ID
Data Entry: Access Forms Degrees granted Faculty counts Fall semester major counts Spring semester major counts
notebook_data Joins each term table by dept_id Creates 236 distinct variables –16 variables from each fall term table –22 variables from each spring term table includes degree and financial variables –122 calculated fields One record per college or department
Perl Program/HTML: Creates directory structure on the server Creates static HTML pages for each college and department Sets up security
Sets the structure for creating the college level and department directories on the IR server. It also serves as the basis for the.htaccess security file. Reporting Hierarchy Table
The TAB-delimited file is exported from Access to our IR server. Each variable name inside the notebook data set corresponds to a variable in the Perl program. Notebook_data File
The template.html file is a normal HTML document. Inside of this HTML file are codes which correspond to variables in the Perl program. Template.html
54 Directories Static Web Pages.htaccess Security Files ALL IN A SINGLE COMMAND
Why We Like It? Easy to navigate Compiles data from several sources into one document Contains trend data Fully accessible by Deans and Chairs for comparisons within the University on the web
Karen A. DeMonte Office of Institutional Research and Planning Institutional Research Analyst University of Delaware 325 Hullihen Hall Newark, DE Phone: (302) demonstration.doc