LCLS Transition to Science DOE Status Review of the LUSI MIE Project LCLS NEH ARR John Arthur LCLS Experimental Facilities Division August 11, 2009 Welcome Status of ARR Elements IRR Process
2 J. Arthur 2 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Welcome to the NEH ARR
3 J. Arthur 3 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 ARR agenda
4 J. Arthur 4 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 ARR Strategy Processes and people are in place to operate NEH safely The processes have been used, people trained, and all hardware installed for the first instrument (AMO) LCLS will use the same processes for additional instruments SAD, ASE, operational procedures, IRR, User safety processes apply to all instruments ARR committee is asked to: Agree that LCLS is ready to start commissioning in Hutch 1 Approve use of LCLS processes to authorize commissioning of other NEH Hutches LCLS will argue that:
5 J. Arthur 5 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 LCLS layout and management NEH Tunnel and Far Experimental Hall (under construction) Front End Enclosure (operational) Undulator Hall (operational) Accelerator group manages XFD manages NEH
6 J. Arthur 6 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Hutch 2 Hutch 3 soft x-ray lines hard x-ray line 10m Hutch 1 NEH lower level X-ray hutches and control rooms Hutch 1 will be used first AMO instrument
7 J. Arthur 7 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 LCLS within SLAC Use existing SLAC structures where it make sense SLAC Accelerator organization operates the linac Standard safety training handled through SLAC ES&H courses Radiation Protection group handles radiation safety PPS group in Controls Dept. handles PPS SLAC Citizen Safety Committees perform safety reviews SSRL User Administration group expanded to included LCLS Create new structures where necessary LCLS Experimental Facilities Division (XFD) XFD-specific procedures Floor Coordinators Instrument Readiness Review (IRR) process LCLS User work planning and control
8 J. Arthur 8 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Administrative Controls Beam Authorization Sheet Central authorization document for operating accelerator Beam Line Authorization Central authorization document for bringing X-rays into hutch X-ray Phase Safety Checklist Central authorization document for starting a User experiment Note: BAS and BLA concern radiation safety only
9 J. Arthur 9 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Documentation of Processes 13 documents required for first beam to NEH SAD SLAC-I signed ASE SLAC-I signed Hutch 1 BLA draft Rad Survey Plan for AMO draft Hutch 1 IAT (PPS) CD-SS-PPS signed HPS Stopper testCD-SS-PPS signed Hutch 1 Search SLAC-I signed FC Incident Response SLAC-I signed Hutch 1 online/offline SLAC-I signed FC Alarm & Warning ResponseSLAC-I signed NEH AHA SLAC-I signed NEH Bldg Emergency Plan SLAC-I draft FC Qualification Workbook SLAC-I signed Process for controlling records is in place
10 J. Arthur 10 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Commissioning plan Materials describing pre-beam tests and commissioning with beam uploaded to LCLS commissioning site Includes checkout and commissioning of Hutch 1 safety systems Also includes checkout and commissioning of AMO instrument
11 J. Arthur 11 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Post-start items from last ARR closed Post-start findings from the LCLS Undulator Complex ARR closeout, Dec 4, ‘08 1)An appropriate USI process has been developed. Observations: The SLAC USI process was evaluated during the August 2008 ISM Effectiveness Review, which found that the SLAC USI process is not properly documented. SLAC has developed a Corrective Action in response to the finding. The Committee has evaluated the Corrective Action, and determined that when completed the USI process will be improved. Post-Start Findings: a) Complete the Corrective Action as scheduled. b) Present the USI process documentation at the next Accelerator Readiness Review. 2) Procedures necessary for the safe operation of the activity have been developed, reviewed, and approved, and an appropriate process for the development, review and approval of new and revised procedures is in place. Observations: Procedures and qualification systems are in place, using pre-existing systems. The procedure management systems are embedded in the host organization. Post-Start Findings: a) Open post-start document revisions listed in Appendix C of the Commissioning document should be completed prior to the next ARR. b) Existing Accelerator Operations documents should be reviewed and updated as applicable. The USI procedure has been written as Chapter 23 of the SLAC Guidelines for Operations, and the corrective action is closed. The open document revisions listed in Appendix C of the Commissioning document have been completed. They were Accelerator Operations documents which have been be updated, and continue to be reviewed and updated as applicable.
12 J. Arthur 12 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Post-start items from last ARR closed 3) Records important for operational and post-operational activities are controlled. Observations: A number of SLAC and LCLS document control systems exist. Records are maintained in compliance with DOE requirements, but some discrepancies were noted in the use of terminology. Post-Start Findings: a) The discrepancies in the use of the term “Guidance” document needs to be addressed. b) Usage of technical procedures as recommended/non-mandatory should be addressed. c) The records management retention process should be reviewed by the PPS group to assure records are being maintained in accordance to DOE requirements. d) The LCLS document control system currently being revamped should include all LCLS divisions. a, b) Discrepancies in the use of the term “Guidance” in SLAC documentation have been eliminated. At issue was the title of the SLAC Guidelines for Operations. The Guidelines for Operations is consistent in its requirements. c) PPS group records management has been reviewed and improved. d) The LCLS document control system was adopted by the divisions of the LCLS Directorate.
13 J. Arthur 13 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Post-start items from last ARR closed 4) Equipment and systems having safety importance meet criteria established in the SAD and have been appropriately tested. Observations: Equipment and systems required are specified in the Beam Authorization Sheets. The BAS for this commissioning activity has been drafted; the systems required are properly specified. Post-Start Findings: a) Complete and check the BAS. 5) Training and qualification programs relevant to safe operation in compliance with the ASO and ISM have been established. Observations: The training and qualification programs were reviewed and found to be appropriate. Post-Start Findings: a) Evaluate staff training requirements and ensure that required training is current. The BAS was completed and signed off once the ARR pre-start action items had been completed and authorization to operate the beam had been given from SLAC management. Training for staff is evaluated annually and is kept current through the ES&H Staff Training program. Specific training for MCC Operators is evaluated performed and tracked by the Operations staff supervisors.
14 J. Arthur 14 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Safety equipment PPS Final Design Review held April 2009 Initial Acceptance Test Review held July 2009 IAT performed last week Radiation shielding Analysis of NEH, concentrating on Hutch 1, prepared by SLAC Radiation Physics: RP Shielding installed exceeds requirements
15 J. Arthur 15 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 People Staffing is complete for commissioning and early AMO operations Includes 5 Floor Coordinators Training is sufficient to begin commissioning
16 J. Arthur 16 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Open safety items 1 open XFD RSWCF Mechanical problem with hutch door Problem was fixed Awaiting final re-check of door interlock by Floor Coordinator
17 J. Arthur 17 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 Documentation Readiness Safety Assessment Document (SAD) has been approved Accelerator Safety Envelope (ASE) has been approved Commissioning plan has been developed SLAC USI process has been approved Operating procedures have been developed and approved Emergency procedures have been developed and approved Process for controlling records in place Hardware Readiness Shielding in place as specified by SLAC Radiation Protection Interlock/Access Control Systems are operational and tested (pending RSWCF closeout) Radiation monitoring equipment calibrated and in place Personnel Readiness Training and Qualification of operating personnel sufficient Staffing requirements are met ARR element summary
18 J. Arthur 18 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 IRR Process Final exam for a new LCLS instrument before commissioning with X-rays Includes screening for potential USI’s What is reviewed Ability of instrument to perform Safety Qualifications of staff Product of review Documentation of review proceedings Pre-start and post-start findings Leads to authorization to commission from XFD director
19 J. Arthur 19 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 IRR Documentation Instrument Readiness Review IRR Committee Charter IRR Checklist Functional certification by lead engineers Safety certification by XFDSO, based on documentation from SLAC Committees and safety officers Formal handoff from construction group to operations
20 J. Arthur 20 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 AMO IRR status Committee established Chair: Tom Rabedeau (SSRL) Includes representation from SSRL, LCLS, Accelerator, Controls, Rad Physics Includes XFD Safety Officer, NEH Area Manager First presentations to committee August 6 Final review August 12
21 J. Arthur 21 NEH ARR Status August 11, 2009 End of Presentation