Graduate Surveys at Corvinus University of Budapest Monika Andrási Director, Career Development Office Workshop on The Bologna Process and Graduate Career Tracking System Budapest, 19th October, 2011 Corvinus University of Budapest
„Your Ambition is Our Profession” 2 Core actvities, BASIC PILLARS Of CDO Career counsellingLabour-transmission Event management Preselection & recruitment counselling Alumni Programs Graduate Surveys
Graduate Surveys History, Antecedents Single surveys focusing on single specialisations (Prof. Beatrix Szarvas) National Studies (FIDEV 1999 and 2000 – 1 year after graduation, Prof. Peter Galasi) Hungarian Institute for Higher Educational Research (Prof. Eva Berde, 2006) New Act on Higher Education 3
Graduate Surveys Corvinus University of Budapest (CUB) Institutional Accreditation Development of Quality Management at CUB Commitment of Top Management of CUB GSS Committee (7 Faculties, CDO) 2006 – testing period (G.2004) 2007 –1st. Institutional Regulation 4
Graduate Surveys /2010 st. online survey (G. 2005) G G EU financed tenders for improving GS Systems 2009, December: –TÁMOP /2/KMR/ Project 2010, May: –TÁMOP /A-10/2/KMR/ Project 5
Graduate Surveys from 2010 New Institutional Regulation is required – National standards 1, 3 and 5 years after Graduation (instead of 2 years) All ex students (not only students with diploma) All levels of studies Obligatory questions Fresmen, Student motivation, Finalists, Graduates, Employers, Specific stakeholders/Groups Online and Offline or Telephone Spring and Fall Minimum of 25% success rate is required 6
Graduate Surveys from 2010 Spring, Online G („Jubilee survey”) G G (First National Questionnaire, 11%) Spring-Summer, Online and Off-line G. 2010, Final year students Emloyer Survey (usually every 3 years) Fall Freshmen - online G. 2007, 2008, Telephone 7
Graduate Surveys 2011 Spring, Online G („Jubilee survey”) G G Spring-Summer, Online and Off-line G. 2011, Final year students Special Survey: Students with international internship experience Fall Freshmen - online G. 2008, 2009, –Telephone Emloyer Survey (GVI co-operation) 8
Original Structure of the CUB Surveys 1.Intro: Statistical data 2.Education, Training – opinion on CUB 3.Status on the Labour market 4.Willingness to study – LLL 5.Epilogue: Personal data –Alumni network –Career management –Panel research (longitudinal survey – pilot project) minutes long (23-35%) 9
Standardised Questionnaires 1.Standardised, Obligatory Questions 2.CUB Questions 3.Epilogue: Personal data –Alumni network –Career management –Panel research (longitudinal survey – pilot project) minutes long (9-11% %) 10
The purpose of GSS Giving information to all stakeholders 1.Candidates, Students, Graduates, Alumni 2.Decision makers - Top management of CUB 3.Lecturers 4.Labour market - Employers 5.Government, Ministries, Public Sector 6.Researchers 7.Media 8.etc. 11
Using GS at CUB Information and Student Marketing Student Counselling Career Guidance Alumni Relations Accreditation and Evaluation („accountability”) Quality Management Research questions (Edu. Economics, Study and Work other sociological researches) Study reforms and their evaluation (Bologna) 12
Future perspectives of GS 1.Practice-, Counselling oriented approaches 2.Decision making processes 3.Research-oriented projects Main focus: basic, regular surveys plus giving free research opportunities 13
Challenges 1.Life after the EU tenders – Long-term sustainability 2.Doing meaningful, reasonable projects 3.Managing GS System and Staff 4.Dissemination of Information 5.Communication 6.Recruiting researchers 7.Ensuring the high level of researches, studies 8.Supporting the Corvinus Brand 14
Thank you! Monika Andrási 15