Target Shaft Simulation with G4Beamline M. Apollonio, IC.


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Presentation transcript:

Target Shaft Simulation with G4Beamline M. Apollonio, IC

Motivations: Assess better orientation for secondaries production Assess flaws in capture dependent on target position No results here, just work in progress, (sorry) a bit of work to generate the secondaries and select only those potentially reaching Q1 bore

10 mm X Z 25 deg Q1-TGT axis 25 deg lost to Q1 secondaries production 20<theta<30 propagation to plane A rotation & propagation to plane B A A B C shift & align with Q1-TGT axis LONG SLIM

lost to Q1 C shift & align with Q1-TGT axis Q1 CAVEAT: take this numbers with a pinch of salt but … 10M beam protons produce: 155K secondaries [20,30]deg of which only ~16K go through the tgt window and reach the Q1 bore Message: what a waste of statistcs !!! Q1 Q1 bore

A the idea is assuming a cylindrical simmetry and try to enrich the sample pointing at Q1by rotating the events (x,y,Px,Py) (xr,yr,Pxr,Pyr)

I am at this stage: I can create the enriched sample BUT I noticed some strange shapes of y vs x distribution. I am scared something not right in the re-enrichment of the sample I am checking it Once solved I can - shoot these particles into the beamline - rotate the target (see examples next page) - shift the target (and study misalignment)