Triggers and Active Databases CS561
Practical Applications of Triggers and Constraints: Successes and Lingering Issues Stefano Ceri Roberta J. Cochrane Politecnico di Milano IBM Almaden Research Center Jennifer Widom Stanford University Information in presentation based on VLDB’2000 “test-of-time” paper
What are Triggers, and why ? Idea of triggers were developed for “data constraints” Example: Relation of baseball players and salary. If new player added, trigger will check to see if team is over salary cap and will impose a penalty to team. Triggers make a passive database “active” Database reacts to certain situations Event Condition Action rule : on event insert/update/delete, if condition C is true then do action A
Brief History 1975: Idea of “integrity constraints” Mid : research in constraints & triggers Languages and algorithms SQL-92: constraints Key constraints; referential integrity, domain constraints Declarative spec and procedural interpretation SQL-99: triggers/ECA (limited) Early acceptance; Widely-varying support in products; “execution semantics” differ, how far to go ? Now : New “hot” incarnation in streaming …
Uses / Advantages To move application logic and business rules into database This allows more functionality for DBAs to establish vital constraints/rules of applications Rules managed in some central “place” Rules automatically enforced by DBMS, no matter which applications later come on line
Active DB vs Rule Systems Expert Systems/AI: Focus primarily on “reasoning” (in place of algorithmic solution), e.g., Typically, no “active action” can be taken Typically no notion of “triggering” based on “events”, but rather chaining of facts together Typically little data (all in main memory) Typically, limited performance (RETE network) Typically no notion of concurrent users and transactions
Classification of Triggers Two Types of Triggers Generated: based on some higher-level specification Handcrafted: usually specific to some application
Theme : Generated Triggers (active rules) are difficult to write correctly Idea: Trigger application specified at higher level (declarative) Actual triggers to implement the application generated from specification Semi-automatic Correctness guaranteed
Example : Constraints Specify acceptable database states Mapping: When If Then
Example : Constraints Constraint : Predicate not to hold on table Example : Every employee’s department must exist Emp: not exists (select * from dept where dno = emp.dno) System produces in general: Create rule on table When if exists (select * from where ) Then System produces for our example: Create rule on emp When inserted,, updated (dno) if exists (select * from emp where not exists (select * from dept where dno=emp.dno)) Then Similar rule created for dept table, and delete and updates on it.
Classification of Triggers Two Types of Triggers Generated: based on some higher-level specification Handcrafted: usually specific to some application Three Classes of Usage Kernel DBMS: hard coded into kernel DBMS services: enhances database functionality External applications: creating triggers specific to application
Generated Triggers DBMS Kernel Referential integrity If foreign key in a table is deleted or updated, it causes an action usually specified by user: set null/cascade Materialized views Set of triggers that keep data consistent Either re-computes view, or Better changes view each time base data is changed
Generated Triggers DBMS Services Alerter When data changes, message can be sent to user Example: A sensor will notice that only one milk carton is left on the shelf, and a message could be send to manager. Replication If a table is copied, a trigger will observe updates to that original table and will change copied table. Audit Trails, Migration, Extenders, etc. Big Success Story : Services simple to specify; yet procedural semantics. Only moderately configurable. Example: IBM DB2 has numerous such trigger-based services
Generated Triggers External Applications Workflow management External tools with support for generation of “Process Rules/Models”
Handcrafted Triggers Embedded DBMS Kernel Metadata management Internal audit trails But: Triggers excellent for prototyping; but often replaced by code directly
Handcrafted Triggers DBMS Services Not generally used here
Handcrafted Triggers External Applications Straightforward use of triggers Application specific Additional forms of “data integrity” Could be used to compute derived columns Or, enforce arbitrarily complex application-specific semantics Examples: Business rules, supply chain management, web applications, etc. But : Triggers are challenging to use for complex applications Need wizard to let developer specify trigger in higher level language
Classification Generated Constraint preserving Invalidating Materializing Metadata Replication Extenders Alerters Handcrafted Application specific
Challenge : Semantics ? What causes a rule to be triggered? (states, ops, transitions) At what granularity are rules triggered ? (after tuple change, set level change, transaction, etc). What happens when multiples rules are triggered? (arbitrary order, numeric or priorities suggested) Can rules trigger each other, or themselves? In general, many subtle design choices exist !
Support for Triggers in DBMS? DDL : Add/Disable triggers; scope DML : What can rule do Extra support for rule execution: e.g., “delta tables” Query optimization : also consider rules Query execution : interrelationship with constraints Indexing and rules Transaction management and rules (coupled or not)
Challenges – Triggers in Products No uniformity among trigger support in products Triggers simple : typically cannot encode complex conditions (optimization problem; poor performance) Typically, no time-based events Semantics: transactional; interrelationships; etc. Triggers aren’t scalable (one per table often, or so) Triggers difficult to use (if many of them) Trigger interaction analysis No high-quality trigger design tools
Challenge: Rule Analysis Termination: produces a final state Confluence : terminates and produces a final state that does not depend on order of execution Observable Determinism : all visible actions performed by rules are the same at all states of processing Termination : Find cycles Examine rules in cycle for behavior Could determine that terminate in some cases Data dependent : even if at compile-time has cycle, still may be useful In general, undecidable ( ~ FOL with predicates and implication) In practice (Oracle) : Optimistic solution Terminate after 25 trigger invocations, and rollback
Trigger Implementation Two methods (Postgres): Tuple-level marking Query rewriting Pros and Cons : Tuple-level marking – works well for lots of rules applying to few tuples Query rewriting – works well for few rules applying to lots of tuples But: Semantics may differ
Implementation : Marking Place markers on all tuples for which rules apply : If markers encountered during execution Call rule processor Note: Markers must be maintained through modifications Place stubs on tables with potential markers
Marking Example Define rule FredJoe On new to emp.sal Where = “Fred” Then do replace emp (sal=new.sal) where = “Joe” Pace marker : on emp tuples with name = “Fred” Maintain marker : if name modified, then marker is dropped Place stub on emp table to catch new “Fred’s”
Query Rewriting : Example Inset modules between parser and query optimizer Query + Rules Set of Queries Example: On replace to emp.sal Then do append to audit (cur.sal, new.sal) + Replace emp (sal = sal * 1.1 ) append to audit (emp.sal, 1.1 * emp.sal) replace emp (sal = sal * 1.1 )
Transactions – Coupling Modes Specify transaction relationship of when rules execute relative to triggering user actions Result: Nested Transaction Model Fore-runner : HIPAC at HP
Transactions – Coupling Modes Specify transaction relationship between: Event and Condition : E-C Coupling Condition and Action : C-A Coupling Coupling modes: Immediate Deferred : at end of transaction Separate : run as separate transaction
Transactions – Rule Processing 1. Event triggers set of rules R1 to Rn 2. For each rule Ri in set, schedule transaction to: Evaluate condition If true, schedule transaction to execute action Processing of transaction scheduling based on coupling modes Notes: Rule-generated operations in 2(a) and (b) may recursively invoke 1/2 Multiple triggered rules yield concurrent transactions Recursive invocations yield trees of nested transactions
Conclusion on Triggers + DBMS A huge area with challenging Issues, both at semantics and performance level Potential for many practical usages Products have only incorporated a small subset of features; there is an SQL standard (SQL99), and yet there is not 100% uniformity Application of theories and techniques are and will have impact beyond static databases and rule processing