A HS-DSL project of: Tetris FPGA Game Characterization Presentation By: Ameer Abdel-hadi Ahmad Busool Supervisor: Nitzan Miron 8, April 2005 Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool 1. Agenda Agenda Preface The project goal Check list The development environment: The display: External LCD or VGA screen? The SoPC board: Memec Vertix-II Pro or AlteraMAX? The software/emulator Tetris Program run example Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool 2. Preface Tetris, what is it? Tetris is a Russian computer game founded on 1985, where you should try to fit in block into a play-field, quite simple but really fun. All blocks are built from four bricks (the name Tetris is derived from the ancient Greek word for four: "tetra"), there are seven combinations of the four bricks as seen here below. SoPC definition: Acronym of “System on Programmable Chip”. It’s a chip where you can control it’s function, rebuild it’s cores, reroute it’s components & load you’re your own code to it’s memory. Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool 3. The project goals Our goal is to develop a design of a Tetris game on a SoPC FPGA, with stand alone functionality (without a PC). The Design flow is as the following: Choosing the suitable hardware for optimal solution for our problem. The major hardware are: the display and the development board. Develop a software emulator, which emulates the hardware on a PC. Rearrange the emulator code to fit the hardware. Loading the code to the hardware. Hardware integration. Run and check! Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool 4. Check list Choose the suitable hardware (not yet…) Software emulator (almost done) Rearranging the software to fit the hardware (no) Hardware system integration (no) SW/HW integration (no) Run and check the system (no) Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
5.1 The development environment: External LCD or VGA Screen? We still in dilemma, to use external LCD or an regular VGA screen. The external LCD screen in the Lap are very small to implement out game. We suggest to buy a new LCD: Hitachi LMG7420PLFC-X 128x240 dots. Or to use regular VGA screen. We prefer the second choice. Any suggestions? Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool 5.2 The development environment: The SoPC board: Memec Vertix-II Pro or AlteraMAX? The choice of the development board is dependent on the display, because Vertix-II pro doesn’t has a VGA output, so we should solid this output on the board with a decoder chip. AlteraMAX has a VGA output built on the board so we don’t have to make extra effort sliding new parts on the board. Suggestions are welcome! Memic Vertix-IIPro Altera Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
The software/emulator The Tetris code is written in C++. Compiled at Microsoft .net The output is dropped to STDOUT as ascii text. The input is the keyboard (STDIN at this case). In order to emulate the hardware we should write the output as a pixels matrix (not ascii text). Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
Tetris program run example Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
Agenda of the project for the coming weeks : It has to build the system includes the PS232 ,check the option of the display with bold attention to ysoog th coordinate of the pixels (to finish until 14/4). Study the I/O in a simple program and to study how to operate by by attention to the following: - Dip switches. - push buttons. LCD. (this mission will take 2 weeks and has to be finished until 28/4) 3. Compile to a PPC (Power PC) FPGA. (has to be finished until 9/5) 15/5 have to attend to midterm presentation. Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool
After the midterm presentation 4. Host agent (the connection protocols between the hardware components).(21/5) 5. Integration….(has to be finished until 28/5). 6. Adding push buttons. (5/6) 7. Final Integration and Testing. (12/6) Submit the project book maximum on (20/6). Tetris FPGA Game Project, by: Ameer Abdel-hadi & Ahmad Busool