Test-Taking Tips For Graduate Students Presented by: Danielle Machen
Prepare early for the big tests Start taking Praxis exams early Starting early allows better idea of what tests are like
Face your fears Talk to someone School counselor Family member Close friend
Be Positive Believe in your knowledge and ability Don’t ever doubt yourself
Practice self-soothing Don’t ever doubt yourself It is just one test Say “The world won’t end if I don’t know the answer” Take deep breaths
Chill out Relax Take a break every once in a while
Stay in shape Exercise regularly Don’t smoke Avoid caffeine The body and brain are connected
Prepare for a smooth test day Come well equipped with everything you need Don’t be rushed Eat a good breakfast Get a good nights rest Avoid stress Prepare the night before
“Exercise” during the test Flex your fingers and toes Circle your neck Move shoulders up and down
Make good use of test breaks Do not talk about the test Joke around Eat a small snack Get some fresh air
Remember that you are in control Have confidence in yourself You control the test