Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 1 Foundations of Constraint Processing CSCE421/821, Fall 2005: Berthe Y. Choueiry (Shu-we-ri) Avery Hall, Room 123B Tel: +1(402) Consistency Algorithms
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 2 Lecture Sources Required reading 1.Algorithms for Constraint Satisfaction Problems, Mackworth and Freuder AIJ'85 2.Sections 3.1, 3.2, 3.3. Chapter 3. Constraint Processing. Dechter Recommended 1.Sections 3.4—3.10. Chapter 3. Constraint Processing. Dechter 2.Networks of Constraints: Fundamental Properties and Application to Picture Processing, Montanari, Information Sciences 74 3.Consistency in Networks of Relations, Mackworth AIJ'77 4.Constraint Propagation with Interval Labels, Davis, AIJ'87 5.Path Consistency on Triangulated Constraint Graphs, Bliek & Sam- Haroud IJCAI'99
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 3 Outline 1.Motivation and material 2.Node and arc consistency and their complexity 3.Criteria for performance comparison and CSP parameters. 4.Path consistency and its complexity 5.Consistency properties of a CSP 6.Other related results: box consistency, constraint synthesis, look-ahead, non-binary constraints, etc.
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 4 Consistency checking Motivation CSP are solved with search (conditioning) Search performance is affected by: - problem size - amount of backtracking Backtracking may yield Thrashing Exploring non-promising sub-trees and rediscovering the same inconsistencies over and over again Malady of backtrack search
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 5 (Some) causes of thrashing Search order: V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 What happens in search if we: do not check the constraint on V3 (node inconsistency) do not check constraint between V3 and V5 (arc inconsistency) do not check constraints between V3—V4, V3—V5, and V4—V5 (path inconsistency) {1, 2} V4 {1, 2, 3} { 0, 1, 2} { 1, 2} V5 {1, 2, 3} V1 V2 V3<V2 V3>0 V3<V4 V5<V4 V3<V5 V3<V1 V3
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 6 Consistency checking Goal : eliminate inconsistent combinations Algorithms (for binary constraints): Node consistency Arc consistency (AC-1, AC-2, AC-3,..., AC-7, AC-3.1, etc.) Path consistency (PC-1, PC-2, DPC, PPC, etc.) Constraints of arbitrary arity: –Waltz algorithm ancestor of AC's –Generalized arc-consistency (Dechter, Section ) –Relational m-consistency (Dechter, Section 8.1)
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 7 Overview of Recommended Reading Davis, AIJ'77 –focuses on the Waltz algorithm –studies its performance and quiescence for given: constraint types (order relations, bounded diff, algebraic, etc.) domains types (continuous or finite) Mackworth, AIJ'77 –presents NC, AC-1, AC-2, PC-1, PC-2 Mackworth and Freuder, AIJ'85 –studies their complexity Mackworth and Freuder concentrate on finite domains More people work on finite domains than on continuous ones Continuous domains can be quite tough
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 8 Constraint Propagation with Interval Labels Ernest Davis `Old' paper (1987): terminology slightly different Interval labels: continuous domains –Section 8: sign labels (discrete) Concerned with Waltz algorithm (e.g., quiescence, completeness) Constraint types vs. domain types (Table 3) Addresses applications from reasoning –about Physical Systems (circuit, SPAM ) –about time relations ( TMM ) Advice: read Section 3, more if you wish
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 9 Waltz algorithm for label inference Refine (C(V i, V k, V m, V n ), V i ) - finds a new label for V i consistent with C. Revise (C (V i, V k, V m, V n )) refines the domains of V i, V k, V m, V n by iterating over these variables until quiescence (no domains is further refined) Waltz Algorithm revises all constraints by iterating over each constraint connected to a variable whose domain has been revised Waltz Algorithm ancestor of arc-consistency
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 10 WARNING → Completeness: Running the Waltz Algorithm does not solve the problem. A=2 and B=3 is still not a solution! → Quiescence: The Waltz algorithm may go into infinite loops even if problem is solvable x [0, 100] x = y y [0, 100] x = 2y → Davis provides a classification of problems in terms of completeness and quiescence of the Waltz algorithm f (constraint types, domain types), see Table 3
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 11 Importance of this paper Establishes that constraints of bounded differences (temporal reasoning) can be efficiently solved by the Waltz algorithm ( O(n 3 ), n number of variables) Early paper that attracts attention on the difficulty of label propagation in interval labels (continuous domains). This work has been continued by Faltings (AIJ 92) who studied the early-quiescence problem of the Waltz algorithm.
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 12 Basic consistency algorithms Examining finite, binary CSPs and their complexity Notation: Given variables i, j, k with values x, y, z, the predicate P ijk (x, y, z) is true iff the 3-tuple x, y, z C ijk Node consistency: checking P i (x) Arc consistency: checking P ij (x,y) Path consistency: bit-matrix manipulation
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 13 Worst-case complexity as a function of the input parameters Upper bound: f(n) is O(g(n)) means that f(n) c.g(n) f grows as g or slower Lower bound: f(n) is (h(n)) means that f(n) c.h(n ) f grows as g or faster Input parameters for a CSP: n = number of variables a = (max) size of a domain d k = degree of V k ( n-1) e = number of edges (or constraints) [ (n-1), n(n-1)/2 ] Worst-case asymptotic complexity time space
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 14 Outline 1.Motivation and material 2.Node & arc consistency and their complexity: NC, AC-1, AC-3, AC-4 3.Criteria for performance comparison and CSP parameters. 4.Path consistency and its complexity 5.Consistency properties of a CSP 6.Other related results: box consistency, constraint synthesis, look-ahead, non-binary constraints, etc.
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 15 Node consistency (NC) Procedure NC(i): D i D i { x | P i (x) } Begin for i 1 until n do NC(i) end
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 16 Complexity of NC Procedure of NC(i) D i D i { x | P i (x) } Begin for i 1 until n do NC(i) end For each variable, we check a values We have n variables, we do n.a checks NC is O(a.n)
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 17 Arc-consistency Adapted from Dechter Definition: Given a constraint graph G, A variable V i is arc-consistent relative to V j iff for every value a D Vi, there exists a value b D Vj | (a, b) C Vi,Vj. The constraint C Vi,Vj is arc-consistent iff –V i is arc-consistent relative to V j and –V j is arc-consistent relative to V i. A binary CSP is arc-consistent iff every constraint (or sub-graph of size 2) is arc-consistent Vi Vj Vi
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 18 Procedure Revise Revises the domains of a variable i Procedure Revise(i,j): Begin DELETE false for each x D i do if there is no y D j such that P ij (x, y) then begin delete x from D i DELETE true end return DELETE end Revise is directional What is the complexity of Revise ? {a 2 }
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 19 Revise : example R. Dechter Apply the Revise procedure to the following example
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 20 Solution : D Vi D Vi Vi (C Vi,Vj D Vi ) This is actually equivalent to D Vi Vi (C Vi,Vj D Vi ) Effect of Revise Adapted from Dechter Question: Given two variables V i and V j their domains D Vi and D Vj, and the constraint C Vi,Vj, write the effect of the Revise procedure as a sequence of operations in relational algebra Hint: Think about the domain D Vi as a unary constraint C Vi and consider the composition of this unary constraint and the binary one Vi Vj Vi
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 21 Arc consistency (AC-1) Procedure AC-1: 1 begin 2 for i 1 until n do NC(i) 3 Q {(i, j) | (i,j) arcs(G), i j } 4 repeat 5 begin 6 CHANGE false 7 for each (i, j) Q do CHANGE ( REVISE(i, j) or CHANGE ) 8 end 9 until ¬ CHANGE 10 end AC-1 does not update Q, the queue of arcs No algorithm can have time complexity below O(ea 2 )
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 22 Arc consistency 1.AC may discover the solution Example borrowed from Dechter
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 23 Arc consistency 2. AC may discover inconsistency Example borrowed from Dechter
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 24 NC & AC Example courtesy of M. Fromherz In the temporal problem below 1.AC propagates bound 2.Unary constraint x>3 is imposed 3.AC propagates bounds again [0, 10] x y-3 x y [0, 7] [3, 10] x y-3 x y [4, 7] [7, 10] x y-3 x y
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 25 Complexity of AC-1 Procedure AC-1: 1 begin 2 for i 1 until n do NC(i) 3 Q {(i, j) | (i,j) arcs(G), i j 4 repeat 5 begin 6 CHANGE false 7 for each (i, j) Q do CHANGE (REVISE(i, j) or CHANGE) 8 end 9 until ¬ CHANGE 10 end Note : Q is not modified and |Q| = 2e 4 9 repeats at most n·a times Each iteration has |Q| = 2e calls to REVISE Revise requires at most a 2 checks of P ij AC-1 is O(a 3 · n · e)
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 26 AC versions AC-1 does not update Q, the queue of arcs AC-2 iterates over arcs connected to at least one node whose domain has been modified. Nodes are ordered. AC-3 same as AC-2, nodes are not ordered
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 27 Arc consistency (AC-3) AC-3 iterates over arcs connected to at least one node whose domain has been modified Procedure AC-3: 1 begin 2 for i 1 until n do NC(i) 3 Q { (i, j) | (i, j) arcs(G), i j } 4 While Q is not empty do 5 begin 6 select and delete any arc (k, m) from Q 7 If Revise(k, m) then Q Q { (i, k) | (i, k) arcs(G), i k, i m } 8 end 9 end
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 28 Complexity of AC-3 Procedure AC-3: 1 begin 2 for i 1 until n do NC(i) 3 Q {(i, j) | (i, j) arcs(G), i j } 4 While Q is not empty do 5 begin 6select and delete any arc (k, m) from Q 7 If Revise(k, m) then Q Q { (i, k) | (i, k) arcs(G), i k, i m } 8 end 9 end First |Q| = 2e, then it grows and shrinks 4 8 Worst case: –1 element is deleted from D Vk per iteration –none of the arcs added is in Q Line 7: a·(d k - 1) Lines 4 - 8: Revise : a 2 checks of P ij AC-3 is O(a 2 (2e + a(2e-n))) Connected graph (e n – 1), AC-3 is O(a 3 e) If AC-p, AC-3 is O(a 2 e) AC-3 is (a 2 e) Complete graph: O(a 3 n 2 )
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 29 Example: Apply AC-3 Example: Apply AC-3 Thanks to Xu Lin D V1 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} D V2 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} D V3 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} D V4 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} C V2,V3 = {(2, 2), (4, 5), (2, 5), (3, 5), (2, 3), (5, 1), (1, 2), (5, 3), (2, 1), (1, 1)} C V1,V3 = {(5, 5), (2, 4), (3, 5), (3, 3), (5, 3), (4, 4), (5, 4), (3, 4), (1, 1), (3, 1)} C V2,V4 = {(1, 2), (3, 2), (3, 1), (4, 5), (2, 3), (4, 1), (1, 1), (4, 3), (2, 2), (1, 5)} { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 } V1 V3 V2 V4 V1 V3 V2 V4 { 1, 3, 5 }{ 1, 2, 3, 5 } { 1, 2, 3, 4 } { 1, 3, 5 }
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 30 Applying AC-3 Thanks to Xu Lin Queue = {C V2, V4, C V4,V2, C V1,V3, C V2,V3, C V3, V1, C V3,V2 } Revise (V 2,V 4 ): D V2 D V2 \ {5} = {1, 2, 3, 4} Queue = {C V4,V2, C V1,V3, C V2,V3, C V3, V1, C V3, V2 } Revise (V 4, V 2 ): D V4 D V4 \ {4} = {1, 2, 3, 5} Queue = {C V1,V3, C V2,V3, C V3, V1, C V3, V2 } Revise (V 1, V 3 ): D V1 {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} Queue = {C V2,V3, C V3, V1, C V3, V2 } Revise (V 2, V 3 ): D V2 {1, 2, 3, 4}
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 31 Applying AC-3 (cont.) Thanks to Xu Lin Queue = {C V3, V1, C V3, V2 } Revise (V 3, V 1 ): D V3 D V3 \ {2} = {1, 3, 4, 5} Queue = {C V2, V3, C V3, V2 } Revise (V 2, V 3 ): D V2 D V2 Queue = {C V3, V2 } Revise (V 3, V 2 ): D V3 {1, 3, 5} Queue = {C V1, V3 } Revise (V 1, V 3 ): D V1 {1, 3, 5} END
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 32 Main Improvements Mohr & Henderson (AIJ 86): AC-3 O(a 3 e) AC-4 O(a 2 e) AC-4 is optimal Trade repetition of consistency-check operations with heavy bookkeeping on which and how many values support a given value for a given variable Data structures it uses: –m : values that are active, not filtered –s : lists all vvp's that support a given vvp –counter : given a vvp, provides the number of support provided by a given variable How it proceeds: 1.Generates data structures 2.Prepares data structures 3.Iterates over constraints while updating support in data structures
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 33 Step 1: Generate 3 data structures m and s have as many rows as there are vvp’s in the problem counter has as many rows as there are tuples in the constraints 04),,( 01,( 01,( 02,( 03,( VV VV VV VV VV counter
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 34 Step 2: Prepare data structures Data structures: s and counter. Checks for every constraint C Vi,Vj all tuples V i =a i, V j =b j_ ) When the tuple is allowed, then update: –s(V j,b j ) s(V j,b j ) {(V i, a i )} and –counter(V j,b j ) (V j,b j ) + 1 Update counter ((V 2, V 3 ), 2) to value 1 Update counter ((V 3, V 2 ), 2) to value 1 Update s-htable (V 2, 2) to value ((V 3, 2)) Update s-htable (V 3, 2) to value ((V 2, 2)) Update counter ((V 2, V3), 4) to value 1 Update counter ((V 3, V2), 5) to value 1 Update s-htable (V 2, 4) to value ((V 3, 5)) Update s-htable (V 3, 5) to value ((V 2, 4))
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 35 Constraints C V2,V3 and C V3,V2 S (V4, 5)Nil (V3, 2)((V2, 1), (V2, 2)) (V3, 3)((V2, 5), (V2, 2)) (V2, 2)((V3,1), (V3,3), (V3, 5), (V3,2)) (V3, 1)((V2, 1), (V2, 2), (V2, 5)) (V2, 3)((V3, 5)) (V1, 2)Nil (V2, 1)((V3, 1), (V3, 2)) (V1, 3)Nil (V3, 4)Nil (V4, 2)Nil (V3, 5)((V2, 3), (V2, 2), (V2, 4)) (v4, 3)Nil (V1, 1)Nil (V2, 4)((V3, 5)) (V2, 5)((V3, 3), (V3, 1)) (V4, 1)Nil (V1, 4)Nil (V1, 5)Nil (V4, 4)Nil Counter (V4, V2), 30 (V4, V2), 20 (V4, V2), 10 (V2, V3), 12 (V2, V3), 34 (V4, V2), 51 (V2, V4), 10 (V2, V3), 40 (V4, V2), 41 (V2, V4), 20 (V2, V3), 50 (V2, V4), 32 (V2, V4), 40 (V2, V4), 50 (V3, V1), 10 (V3, V1), 20 (V3, V1), 30 …… (V3, V2), 40 Etc…Etc. Updating m Note that (V3, V2),4 0 thus we remove 4 from the domain of V3 and update (V3, 4) nil in m Updating counter Since 4 is removed from D V3 then for every (V k, l) | (V3, 4) s [(V k, l)], we decrement counter [(V k, V3), l] by 1
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 36 Summary of arc-consistency algorithms AC-4 is optimal (worst-case) [Mohr & Henderson, AIJ 86] Warning: worst-case complexity is pessimistic. Better worst-case complexity: AC-4 Better average behavior: AC-3 [Wallace, IJCAI 93] AC-5: special constraints [Van Hentenryck, Deville, Teng 92] functional, anti-functional, and monotonic constraints AC-6, AC-7: general but rely heavily on data structures for bookkeeping [Bessière & Régin] Now, back to AC-3: AC-2000, AC-2001, AC-3.1, AC3.3, etc. Non-binary constraints: –GAC (general) [Mohr & Masini 1988] –all-different (dedicated) [R é gin, 94]
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 37 Outline 1.Motivation and material 2.Node and arc consistency and their complexity 3.Criteria for performance comparison & CSP parameters. Which AC algorithm to choose? Project results may tell… 4.Path consistency and its complexity 5.Consistency properties of a CSP 6.Other related results: box consistency, constraint synthesis, look-ahead, non-binary CSPs, etc.
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 38 CSP parameters ‹n, a, t, d› n is number of variables a is maximum domain size t is constraint tightness: d is constraint density where e is the #constraints, e min =(n-1), and e max = n(n-1)/2 Lately, we use constraint ratio p = e/e max → Constraints in random problems often generated uniform → Use only connected graphs (throw the unconnected ones away)
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 39 Criteria for performance comparison 1.Bounding time and space complexity (theoretical) –worst-case –average-case –best- case 2.Counting the number of constraint checks (theoretical, empirical) 3.Measuring CPU time (empirical)
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 40 Performance comparison Courtesy of Lin XU AC-7 AC-4 AC-3
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 41 Wisdom (?) Free adaptation from Bessière When a single constraint check is very expensive to make, use AC-7. When there is a lot of propagation, use AC-4 When little propagation and constraint checks are cheap, use AC-3x Advice? Instructor's personal opinion Use AC-3..
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 42 Outline 1.Motivation and material 2.Node and arc consistency and their complexity 3.Criteria for performance comparison and CSP parameters. 4.Path consistency and its complexity 5.Consistency properties of CSPs 6.Other related results: box consistency, constraint synthesis, look-ahead, non-binary CSPs, etc.
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 43 AC is not enough Example borrowed from Dechter Arc-consistent? Satisfiable? seek higher levels of consistency V 1 a b V 2 V 3 = V 1 b a a b b a V 2 V 3 = =
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 44 Consistency of a path A path (V 0, V 1, V 2, …, V m ) of length m is consistent iff for any value x D V0 and for any value y D Vm that are consistent (i.e., P V0 Vm (x, y)) a sequence of values z 1, z 2, …, z m-1 in the domains of variables V 1, V 2, …, V m-1, such that all constraints between them (along the path, not across it) are satisfied (i.e., P V0 V1 (x, z 1 ) P V1 V2 (z 1, z 2 ) … P Vm-1 Vm (z m-1, z m ) ) for all x D V0 for all y D Vm V0 Vm Vm-1 V2 V1
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 45 Note The same variable can appear more than once in the path Every time, it may have a different value Constraints considered: P V0,Vm and those along the path All other constraints are neglected for all x D V0 for all y D Vm V0 Vm Vm-1 V2 V1
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 46 Example: consistency of a path Check path length = 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,.... {a, b, c} V2 {a, b, c} V3 {a, b, c} V1 {a, b, c} V4 {a, b, c} V7 {a, b, c} V5 {a, b, c} V6 All mutex constraints
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 47 Path consistency: definition A path of length m is path consistent A CSP is path consistent Property of a CSP Definition: A CSP is path consistent (PC) iff every path is consistent (i.e., any length of path) Question: should we enumerate every path of any length? Answer: No, only length 2, thanks to [Mackworth AIJ'77]
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 48 Making a CSP Path Consistent (PC) Special case: Complete graph Theorem: In a complete graph, if every path of length 2 is consistent, the network is path consistent [Mackworth AIJ'77] PC-1: two operations, composition and intersection Proof by induction. Special case: Triangulated graph Theorem: In a triangulated graph, if every path of length 2 is consistent, the network is path consistent [Bliek & Sam-Haroud ‘99] PPC (partially path consistent) PC
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 49 Tools for PC-1 Two operators 1.Constraint composition: ( ) R 13 = R 12 R 23 2.Constraint intersection: ( ) R 13 R 13, old R 13, induced
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 50 Path consistency (PC-1) Achieved by composition and intersection (of binary relations expressed as matrices) over all paths of length two. Procedure PC-1: 1 Begin 2 Y n R 3 repeat 4 begin 5 Y 0 Y n 6 For k 1 until n do 7 For i 1 until n do 8 For j 1 until n do 9 Y l ij Y l-1 ij Y l-1 ik Y l-1 kk Y l-1 kj 10 end 11 until Y n = Y 0 12 Y Y n 10 end
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 51 Properties of PC-1 Discrete CSPs [Montanari'74] 1.PC-1 terminates 2.PC-1 results in a path consistent CSP PC-1 terminates. It is complete, sound (for finding PC network) PC-2: Improves to PC-1similarly to (AC-1 AC-3) Complexity of PC-1..
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 52 Complexity of PC-1 Procedure PC-1: 1 Begin 2 Y n R 3repeat 4 begin 5 Y 0 Y n 6 For k 1 until n do 7 For i 1 until n do 8 For j 1 until n do 9 Y l ij Y l-1 ij Y l-1 ik Y l-1 kk Y l-1 kj 10 end 11 until Y n = Y 0 12 Y Y n 10 end Line 9: a 3 Lines 6–10: n 3. a 3 Line 3: at most n 2 relations x a 2 elements PC-1 is O(a 5 n 5 ) PC-2 is O(a 5 n 3 ) and (a 3 n 3 )
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 53 Some improvements Mohr & Henderson (AIJ 86) –PC-2 O(a 5 n 3 ) PC-3 O(a 3 n 3 ) –Open question: PC-3 optimal? Han & Lee (AIJ 88) –PC-3 is incorrect –PC-4 O(a 3 n 3 ) space and time Singh (ICTAI 95) –PC-5 uses ideas of AC-6 (support bookkeeping) Note: PC is seldom used in practical applications unless in presence of special ty pe of constraints (e.g., bounded difference)
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 54 Path consistency as inference of binary constraints Path consistency corresponds to inferring a new constraint (alternatively, tightening an existing constraint) between every two variables given the constraints that link them to a third variable Considers all subgraphs of 3 variables 3-consistency B C A B < C A < B B C A A < C B < C
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 55 Path consistency as inference of binary constraints Another example: V4V4 V3V3 a b V4V4 V2V2 V1V1 V3V3 V2V2 V1V1 = =
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 56 Question Adapted from Dechter Given three variables V i, V k, and V j and the constraints C Vi,Vk, C Vi,Vj, and C Vk,Vj, write the effect of PC as a sequence of operations in relational algebra. B C A B < C A < B A + 3 > C B C A A < B A + 3 > C A < C B < C B C A A < B -3 < A –C < 0 B < C Solution: C Vi,Vj C Vi,Vj ij (C Vi,Vk C Vk,Vj )
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 57 Constraint propagation courtesy of Dechter After Arc-consistency: After Path-consistency: Are these CSPs the same? –Which one is more explicit? –Are they equivalent? The more propagation, –the more explicit the constraints –the more search is directed towards a solution ( 0, 1 )
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 58 Arc-consistent? Path-consistent? PC can detect unsatisfiability V3V3 a b V4V4 V2V2 V1V1
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 59 Outline 1.Motivation and material 2.Node and arc consistency and their complexity 3.Criteria for performance comparison and CSP parameters. Which AC algorithm to choose? Project results may tell! 4.Path consistency and its complexity 5.Consistency properties of a CSP 6.Other related results: box consistency, constraint synthesis, look-ahead, non-binary constraints, etc.
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 60 Consistency properties of a CSP (Arc Consistency, AC) (Path Consistency, PC) Minimality Decomposability (ref. lossless join decomposition) When PC approximates minimality and decomposability. –Example: temporal reasoning (strong) k-consistency (i,j)-consistency
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 61 Minimality PC tightens the binary constraints The tightest possible binary constraints yield the minimal network Minimal network a.k.a. central problem Given two values for two variables, if they are consistent, then they appear in at least one solution. Note: Minimal path consistent The definition of minimal CSP is concerned with binary CSPs
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 62 Minimal CSP Minimal network a.k.a. central problem Given two values for two variables, if they are consistent, then they appear in at least one solution. Informally In a minimal CSP the remainder of the CSP does not add any further constraint to the direct constraint C Vi, Vj between the two variables V i and V j [Mackworth AIJ'77] A minimal CSP is perfectly explicit: as far as the pair V i and V j is concerned, the rest of the network does not add any further constraint to the direct constraint C Vi, Vj [Montanari'74] The binary constraints are explicit as possible. [Montanari'74]
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 63 Decomposability Any combination of values for k variables that satisfy the constraints between them can be extended to a solution. Decomposability generalizes minimality Minimality: any consistent combination of values for any 2 variables is extendable to a solution Decomposability: any consistent combination of values for any k variables is extendable to a solution Decomposable Minimal Path Consistent Strong n-consistent n-consistent Solvable
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 64 Relations to (theory of) DB CSPDatabase MinimalPair-wise consistent DecomposableComplete join
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 65 PC approximates.. In general: Decomposability minimality path consistent PC is used to approximate minimality (which is the central problem) When is the approximation the real thing? Special cases: When composition distributes over intersection, [Montanari'74] PC-1 on the completed graph guarantees minimality and decomposability When constraints are convex [Bliek & Sam-Haroud 99] PPC on the triangulated graph guarantees minimality and decomposability (and the existing edges are as tight as possible)
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 66 PC: algorithms and property CSP 0 Complete the graph PC-1 CSP 0 Triangulate the graph PPC Result: CSP 0 is not path consistent or PC-1(CSP 0 ) is path consistent 1.It is tight, but could be tighter 2.The graph is complete Result: CSP 0 is not path consistent or PPC(CSP 0 ) is path consistent 1.It is generally less tight than PC-1(CSP 0 ) 2.The graph is triangulated Watch for PPC
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 67 PC algorithms: special cases CSP a Complete the graph PC-1/2/4 Result: [Montanari 74] CSP a is not path consistent or PC-1(CSP a ) is 1.Path consistent, minimal & decomposable 2.Graph is complete With a (b c)=(a b) (b c) CSP b Triangulate the graph PPC Constraint are convex Result: [B&S-H 99] CSP b is not path consistent or PPC(CSP b ) is 1.Path consistent, minimal, decomposable 2.Existing edges are as tight as PC-1(CSP b ) 3.Graph is triangulated
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 68 Special conditions : examples Distributivity property –1 loop in PC-1 (PC-3) is sufficient Exploiting special conditions in temporal reasoning: –Temporal constraints in the Simple Temporal Problem (STP): composition & intersection –Composition distributes over intersection PC-1 is a generalization of the Floyd-Warshall algorithm (all pairs shortest path) –Convex constraints PPC
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 69 Distributivity property In PC-1, two operations: R AB (R BC R' BC ) = (R AB R BC ) (R AB R’ BC ) When ( ) distributes over ( ), then [Montanari'74] 1.PC-1 guarantees that CSP is minimal and decomposable 2.1 loop in PC-1 is sufficient Intersection, Composition, R AB R’ BC R BC A B C
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 70 Temporal reasoning constraints of bounded difference Variables: X, Y, Z, etc. Constraints: a Y-X b, i.e. Y-X = [a, b] = I Composition: I 1 I 2 = [a 1, b 1 ] [a 2, b 2 ] = [a 1 + a 2, b 1 +b 2 ] Interpretation: –intervals indicate distances –composition is triangle inequality. Intersection: I 1 I 2 = [max(a 1, a 2 ), min(b 1, b 2 )] Distributivity: I 1 (I 2 I 3 ) = (I 1 I 2 ) (I 1 I 3 ) Proof: left as an exercise
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 71 Composition of intervals + : R’ 13 = R 12 + R 23 = [4, 12] R 01 + R 13 = [2,5] + [3, 5] = [5, 10] R 01 + R' 13 = [2,5] + [4, 12] = [6, 17] Intersection of intervals: R 13 R' 13 = [4, 12] [3, 5] = [4, 5] R 01 + (R 13 R' 13 ) = (R 01 + R 13 ) (R 01 + R' 13 ) R 01 + (R 13 R' 13 ) = [2, 5] + [4, 5] = [6, 10] (R 01 + R 13 ) (R 01 + R' 13 ) = [5, 10] [6,17] = [6, 10] Path consistency guarantees minimality and decomposability Example: constraints of bounded difference R’ 13 R 13 =[3,5] R 23 =[1,8] R 12 =[3,4] V1V1 V3V3 V2V2 V0V0 R 01 =[2,5] [
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 72 PC-1 on the STP PC-1 generalizes Floyd-Warshall algorithm (all-pairs shortest path), where –composition is ‘scalar addition’ and –intersection is ‘scalar minimal’
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 73 Convex constraints : temporal reasoning (again!) Thanks to Xu Lin (2002) Constraints of bounded difference are convex We triangulate the graph (good heuristics exist) Apply PPC: restrict propagations in PC to triangles of the graph (and not in the complete graph) According to [Bliek & Sam-Haroud 99] PPC becomes equivalent to PC, thus it guarantees minimality and decomposability
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 74 PC is not enough Arc-consistent? Path-consistent? Satisfiable? we should seek (even) higher levels of consistency k-consistency, k = 1, 2, 3, …. {a, b, c} V2 {a, b, c} V3 {a, b, c} V1 {a, b, c} V4 {a, b, c} V7 {a, b, c} V5 {a, b, c} V6 All mutex constraints
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 75 k-consistency A CSP is k-consistent iff –given any consistent instantiation of any (k-1) distinct variables –there exists an instantiation of any k th variable such that the k values taken together satisfy all the constraints among the k variables. Example: (courtesy of Dechter) Q Q Q Q Q 3-consistent? 4-consistent?
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 76 Question: –Is this CSP 3-consistent? –is it 2-consistent? Lesson: –3-consistency does not guarantee 2-consistency Warning: Does 3-consistency guarantee 2-consistency? {red, blue} A B { red } {red, blue} { red } C
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 77 (Strong) k-consistency: definition Definitions: k-consistency vs. strong k-consistency k-consistency: –any consistent assignment for (k-1)-variable can be extended to any k th variable strong k-consistency: –has to be j-consistent for all j k
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 78 (i,j)-consistency: definition (i,j) consistency: –every consistent instantiation to i variables –can be extended to every j variables Consequently: –2-consistency:i=1, j=1 –3-consistency: i=2, j=1 –k-consistency: i=k-1, j=1 –Minimality: i=2, j=n-2 –Decomposability: i=k, j=n-k
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 79 Consistency properties & algorithms: summary New terms: AC, PC, minimal CSP, decomposable CSP, complete graph, triangulated graph, Revise, AC-1, AC-3, PC-1, PC-2, PPC Complexity of AC, PC algorithms AC tightens domains, PC tightens binary constraints Consistency operations in terms of composition, intersection in relational algebra Path consistency approximates minimality, which approximates decomposability Situations when path consistency guarantees minimality and decomposability Strong k-consistency and (i,j)-consistency
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 80 Outline 1.Motivation and material 2.Node and arc consistency and their complexity 3.Criteria for performance comparison and CSP parameters. Which AC algorithm to choose? Project results may tell! 4.Path consistency and its complexity 5.Consistency properties of a CSP 6.Other related results: constraint synthesis, box consistency, look-ahead, non-binary CSPs, etc.
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 81 Constraint synthesis k-consistency: an alternative view –Constraint of arity (k-1) are used to synthesize a constraint of arity k, which is then used to filter constraints of arity (k-1) Examples: –2-consistency: D Vi D Vi Vi (C Vi,Vj D Vj ) Projection of binary constraint is used to tighten unary constraint –3-consistency: C Vi,Vj C Vi,Vj Vi,Vj (C Vi,Vk C Vk,Vj ) Binary constraints are used to synthesize a ternary constraint Projection of the ternary constraint is used to tighten binary constraint –k-consistency: [Freuder 78, 82] Constraints of arity (k-1) are used to synthesize constraints of arity k Projection of k-ary constraint is used to tighten (k-1)-ary constraints
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 82 Solving CSPs by Constraint synthesis [Freuder 78] From k=2 to k=n, – achieve k-consistency by using (k-1)-arity constraints to synthesize k-arity constraints, – then use the k-ary constraints to filter constraints of arity k-1, k-2, etc. Process ends with a unique n-ary constraint whose tuples are all the solutions to the CSP
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 83 Interval constraints Domains are (continuous) intervals –Historically also called: continuous CSPs, continuous domains Domains are infinite: –We cannot enumerate consistent values/tuples –[Davis, AIJ 87] (see recommended reading) showed that even AC may be incomplete or not terminate We apply consistency (usually, arc-consistency) on the boundaries of the interval
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 84 Look-ahead (already discussed) Integration of consistency algorithm with search AC: –Forward Checking (FC) [Haralick & Elliott] –Directional Arc-Consistency (DAC) [Dechter] –Maintaining arc consistency (MAC) [Sabin & Freuder ] PC: –Directed path consistency (DPC) [Dechter]
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 85 Non-binary CSPs (Almost) all algorithms and properties discussed so far were restricted to binary CSPs Consistency properties for non-binary CSPs are the topic of current research. Mainly, properties and algorithms for: –GAC: generalized arc-consistency [Mohr & Masini] –Relational m-consistency [Dechter, Chap 8]
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 86 Generalized Arc-Consistency Conceptually: project the constraint on each of the variables in its scope to tighten the domain of the variable. When constraint is not defined in extension, GAC may be problematic (e.g., NP-hard in TCSP)
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 87 Relational consistency Dechter (see Section 8.1.1) generalizes consistency properties to non-binary constraints as relational m-consistency –Relational 1-consistency = relational arc- consistency = GAC –Relational 2-consistency = relational path- consistency
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 88 Look-ahead in non-binary CSPs In binary CSPs, when a variable is instantiated, Revise (V f, V c ) updates the domain of a future variable V f that is a neighbor to the current variable V c In non-binary CSPs, a constraint that applies to a current variable may involve one or more past variables and one or more future variables. The question is: when to trigger Revise ? There are 5 strategies: nFC 0, nFC 1, …, nFC 5 in increasing ‘aggressivity’ [Bessiere et al. AIJ 02 ] For example, nFC 0 triggers Revise only when all but one variable has been instantiated
Foundations of Constraint Processing, Fall 2005 Sep 22, 2005Consistency: Properties & Algorithms 89 Related results: summary Interval constraints: box consistency Solving CSPs by Constraint synthesis: [Freuder] –From k=2 to k=n-1, achieve k-consistency by using (k-1)-arity constraints to synthesize k-arity constraints, then filter constraints of arity k-1, k-2, etc. Integration with search: –AC: Forward Checking (FC) [Haralick & Elliott] Directional Arc-Consistency (DAC) [Dechter] Maintaining arc consistency (MAC) [Sabin & Freuder ] –PC: Directed path consistency (DPC) [Dechter] Non-binary constraints: –Generalized arc consistency (GAC) [Mohr & Masini] –Relational consistency [Dechter] Non-binary constraints and integration with search: nFC 0, nFC 1, …, nFC 5 etc.