RF Triangulator: Indoor/Outdoor Location Finding Architecture Proposal Giovanni Fonseca David Fu Amir Ghiti (away) Stephen Roos (away) Design Manager: Myron Kwai Overall Project Objective: Design a Radio-Frequency indoor/outdoor navigation system, utilizing the existing wireless infrastructure. Design Stage Objective: LVS of all functional blocks
Status Structural Verilog complete. Structural Verilog complete. Schematics completed. Schematics completed. Layout of basic components complete. Layout of basic components complete. Major Layouts: Major Layouts: 55% done55% done Buffers being addedBuffers being added Major buses in functional modules are still being connectedMajor buses in functional modules are still being connected
Update Top 3 Floorplan
Updated SRAM Floorplan
Buffers Added to SRAM
SRAM rise/fall times RISE TIME: 68.9 picoseconds FALLTIME: 66.1 picoseconds
SRAM Analog Simulation
Questions/Concerns Need to re-evaluate Calc floorplanning based on changes to Multiply/Divide module.