By: Jennifer Katz Kristen Linaman Kaley Powers Being literate…on the internet!
Examples: Instead of attending assigned office hours of your professor you can use to ask questions at your convenience. Instant Messaging: Chat instantly over internet programs (AIM, Facebook, etc.) with your peers or teachers to discuss group projects or general assignments. This is an example of a AIM chat box.
Universities use internet programs such as Desire2Learn (D2L) to administer quizzes and exams. This method is different from the past because you can access these assessments at your own time. It is easier for teachers because most of these tests given are automatically graded using this system. (Instant feedback) Students can also use their notes, giving them better grades while still learning the material.
Students are able to access their homework and notes online. If a student misses class they are able to obtain most to all of what they missed by accessing the class website. Due dates are posted keeping students on track with their work. They can also use online resources through their school’s library.
Submitting lengthy paper and assignments online or via to professors saves money on paper… and trees!Submitting lengthy paper and assignments online or via to professors saves money on paper… and trees! In large lecture halls professors are able to post the syllabus and readings online instead of printing out hundreds of copies.In large lecture halls professors are able to post the syllabus and readings online instead of printing out hundreds of copies. Saving Gasoline: Instead of driving miles to school to go hand in homework one may do so online.Saving Gasoline: Instead of driving miles to school to go hand in homework one may do so online.
To learn more about the advantages of using internet in schools…CLICK HERE!CLICK HERE!