Earthquakes and Volcanoes! Ms. Xiong – 4th Grade
Kilauea (Hawaiian Islands)
Anak Krakatau Volcano - Indonesia
Chaiten Volcano - Chile This isn’t snow!
Monseratt Volcano – West Indies
Cleveland Volcano - Alaska
Volcanoes Nat’l Park - Hawaii
Llaima Volcano - Chile Source of Slides 2-8:
Super Volcanoes Around the World Long Valley - California, Toba - Indonesia, Taupo in New Zealand. Others include the large caldera volcanoes of Japan, Indonesia.
Turkey – Middle East Great San Francisco California California bridge
Piton de la Fournaise – Reunion Island (Indian Ocean)
Pillow Lava (basalt) – ocean floor Credits: NOAA
Beichuan County, China 2008 Nishinomiya, Japan
Check This Out! Latest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 daysLatest Earthquakes in the World - Past 7 days Earthquakes Around the World in 3D!