[M2] Traffic Control Group 2 Chun Han Chen Timothy Kwan Tom Bolds Shang Yi Lin Manager Randal Hong Wed. Sep 22 Overall Project Objective : Dynamic Control The Traffic Lights
Status Design Proposal Chip Architecture Behavioral Verilog Implementation Size estimates/ floorplanning Behavioral Verilog simulated Gate Level Design Component Layout/Simulation Chip Layout Complete Simulation
Traffic Flows Sensors (Blue) To detect the car entered Sensors (Red) To detect the car leaved
Traffic Light Flow Whenever pedestrian push the button, then this light will insert in the end of this cycle. ARM 1 ARM 2 Red GreenY Green (S traight + R ight )YRed+Green(L eft ) Red Y Green (S traight + R ight )YRed+Green(L eft )Y Phase A Phase C Phase BPhase APhase B ARM1 ARM2 PED We define three phases (A,B,C) for different operations.
SW – Switch light G – Green R – Red Y – Yellow T – Time for Yellow PED – Pedestrian SW (1bit) ARM (1bit) PED(1bit) T (2bits) Phase(2bits) FSM Initial G.R Y.R R+L eft.R Y.R R.G R.Y R.R+L eft PED SW = 0 SW = 1 T < 2 T = 2 SW = 1 SW =0 PED = 1 T = 2 PED = 1 T = 2 T<= 2 SW = 0 SW = 1 T = 2 PED = 0 T = 2 PED = 0 ARM = 0ARM = 1 Init. Ped = 0 Choose the Phase
Hold until n 1 or n 2 changes Light favors n 1 or n 2 ? n1n1 n2n2 T<r 1 ? T<r 2 ? T>= R 1 ?T>= R 2 ? n 1 =0? n 2 =0? f 1 <=0? f 2 <=0? Switch Light Reset T = 0 No Yes No Yes No Light favors arm 1 or arm 2 ? n1n1 n2n2 T<r left ? T>= R left ? No Yes No Yes No n 1 not change in T = 5? No Control reset Pedestrian For Green light For Red + Left T>= R p ? Yes No For Pedestrian n 2 not change in T = 5? n 1, n 2 :# of cars T :Time spent in this phase R i, r i : Max. and Min. time for each phase f i : the control function f 1 = α 1 *n 1 + β 1 – n 2 f 2 = α 2 *n 2 + β 2 – n 1
Adder Subtractor Register (Total Number) Adder N2 F Accumulator Alpha & Beta Accumulator Arm 1 Arm 2 Compute N2, α2 and β2 Ni = Number of cars queued F1(t) = α1N1(t) + β1 – N2(t) F2(t) = α2N2(t) + β2 – N1(t) T = time elapsed since last change of phase r, R = minimum, maximum allowable durations of phase for arm_i FUNCTION BLOCK Initialize & User Inputs ComparatorFSMSwitch Counter Time Clock Pedestrian Register Provide comparator some values, such as r, R, T, α,β, N1 and N2. Compute N1 Compute β Inputs and Initialized T Reset T=0 Decide when to switch
Floating Point Representation 12 bit representation 1 bit – sign 4 bit – excess-7 exponent with radix 2 7 bit – Significand/Mantissa
Addition & Subtraction Align decimal places Shifting Mantissa, alter exponent if needed Add Add Mantissas Normalize result Subtraction Align decimal places Subtract by altering input signals to reuse adder Normalize
Multiplication Multiply Mantissas Add True Exponents Unbias both exponents to get true Re-bias exponent Normalize result
Division Using the Newton Raphson approximation Given f(x) = D – 1/X Xn+1 = Xn(2-D*Xn) X1 = reciprocal of D Plan to use ~20 iterations X1 will be obtained via a look up table based on the exponent of the D
Design Decisions Removal of Division and Subtraction block from transitor Count Increased amounts of Demux/Mux into multiply and adder block Insertion of ROM for lookup table
`define FP_ADD 2'd0 `define FP_SUB 2'd1 `define FP_MULT 2'd2 `define NAN (32'hFFFFFFFF) module FPU (Y, A, B, SEL, Valid); `include "fpu_tasks.v“ output [31:0] Y; input [31:0] A,B; input [1:0] SEL; output Valid; reg [31:0] Y; reg Valid; reg [7:0] expA, expB, expY; reg [26:0] sigA, sigB; reg [27:0] sigY; reg signA, signB, signY; reg overflow, underflow; reg diff_sign,exp_ovf,sticky; reg [47:0] mtmp; reg [7:0] i; reg [5:0] leading_zs; reg [6:0] leading_mzs; reg exp0; or B or SEL) begin sigA = 0; sigB = 0; underflow = 0; overflow = 0; sticky=0; {signA, expA, sigA[25:3]} = A[31:0]; {signB, expB, sigB[25:3]} = B[31:0]; sigA[26] = ( A[30:0] != 0 ); sigB[26] = ( B[30:0] != 0 ); diff_sign = signA ^ signB; {signY,sigY,expY} = 0; leading_zs = 0; leading_mzs = 0; i = 0; mtmp = 0; exp0 = 0; casex (SEL) // Case of FP_ADD, FP_SUB 2'b0?: begin /*****************************/ /* Handle Some special cases */ /*****************************/ signB = (SEL == `FP_SUB) ? ~signB : signB; if (expA == 8'hFF || expB == 8'hFF) begin if (expA == 8'hFF && A[22:0] != 0) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; else if (expB == 8'hFF && B[22:0] != 0) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; else if (expA == 8'hFF && expB != 8'hFF ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = A; else if (expA != 8'hFF && expB == 8'hFF ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = {signB, B[30:0]}; else if (A == B ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = A; else {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; end else begin
/**********************************/ /* Correct for Addition overflow */ /**********************************/ if ( !diff_sign && sigY[27] ) begin sticky = sigY[0]; sigY = sigY >> 1; sigY[0] = sticky | sigY[0]; if (expY >= 254) overflow = 1; expY = expY+1; end else if (diff_sign) begin /*Right shifting for exponent adjustment*/ LeadingZeros_27(sigY[26:0],leading_zs); if (leading_zs leading_zs) ) begin sigY = sigY << leading_zs; expY = expY - leading_zs; end else if (leading_zs < 27 && (expY <= leading_zs)) begin expY = 0; sigY = sigY << expY; end /*********************************/ /* Do the complicated Arithmetic */ /*********************************/ diff_sign = signA ^ signB; i = (expA - expB); /* If B is has a smaller exponent, right shift align it */ if (i == 0) begin sigB = sigB; sigA = sigA; expA = expA; expB = expB; end else if (i[7] == 0 || expB==0) begin getSticky_27(sigB, i[4:0], sticky); sigB = sigB >> i[4:0]; expB = expB + i[4:0]; end /*If A has the smaller exponent, right shift align it*/ else if (i[7] == 1 || expA==0) begin i = ~i+1; getSticky_27(sigA, i[4:0], sticky); sigA = sigA >> i[4:0]; expA = expA + i[4:0]; end expY = expA; /* Do the Addition/Subtraction */ if (!diff_sign) sigY = {1'b0,sigA} + {1'b0,sigB}; else if (signA) sigY = {1'b1,~sigA} + {1'b0,sigB} + 1; else sigY = {1'b0,sigA} + {1'b1,~sigB} + 1; /* Set the final sign bit */ if (diff_sign) signY = sigY[27]; else signY = signA; /* Make positive again if needed */ if (sigY[27] && diff_sign) sigY = ~sigY + 1; else sigY = sigY; if(sigY==0) /* Zero Result */ expY=0; else expY = expY;
/************************/ /* Round the numbers */ /************************/ if (!sigY[2]) begin /* Truncate */ {sigY,expY} = {sigY,expY}; endelse if (sigY[2] && (|sigY[1:0])) begin /* Round Up */ sigY[27:3] = sigY[27:3] + 1; if (sigY[27]) begin if (expY == 254) overflow = 1; sigY = sigY >> 1; expY = expY + 1; end end else begin // If guard bits are 100. if (sigY[3]) begin sigY[27:3] = sigY[27:3] + 1; if (sigY[27]) begin if (expY >= 254) overflow = 1; sigY = sigY >> 1; expY = expY + 1; end end else begin {expY,sigY} = {expY,sigY}; // $display("Round Down on 100"); end if (overflow) begin /* If overflow, go to Infinity */ expY = 8'hFF; sigY = 0; end else if (sigY == 0) /* If zero, zero out Exponent */ expY = 0; end /* finished Complicated Arithmetic */ end /* End of Add/Sub Case */ `FP_MULT: begin signY = diff_sign; exp0 = ((expA == 8'h7f) || (expB == 8'h7f)); expY = expA + expB + 8'h81; if (exp0) {overflow,underflow} = 0; else begin overflow = expA[7] && expB[7] && (!expY[7]) && (expY != 8'h7f); underflow = !expA[7] && !expB[7] && expY[7]; end // mtmp = sigA[26:3] * sigB[26:3]; mult_24(sigA[26:3], sigB[26:3], mtmp); if (mtmp[47]) begin if (expY >= 254) overflow = 1; expY = expY + 1; mtmp = mtmp >> 1; end LeadingZeros_47(mtmp[46:0], leading_mzs); if (leading_mzs leading_mzs) ) begin mtmp = mtmp << leading_mzs; expY = expY - leading_mzs; end else if (leading_mzs < 47 && (expY <= leading_mzs)) begin expY = 0; mtmp = mtmp << expY; end sigY[27:3] = (!mtmp[22:0]) ? mtmp[46:23] : mtmp[46:23]+1; if (sigY[27]) begin if (expY >= 254) overflow = 1; expY = expY + 1; sigY = sigY >> 1; end if (overflow) begin /* Set to infty */ expY = 8'hFF; sigY = 0; end else if (underflow) begin /* Set to Zero */ expY = 0; sigY = 0; end /* If Zero happened then make zero */ else if (sigY == 0) expY = 0; if ({expY,sigY} == 0) signY = 0; /* In these special Cases */ if (expA == 8'hFF || expB == 8'hFF) begin if (expA == 8'hFF && A[22:0] != 0) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; else if (expB == 8'hFF && B[22:0] != 0) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; else if (expA == 8'hFF && expB != 8'hFF ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = A; else if (expA != 8'hFF && expB == 8'hFF ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = {signB, B[30:0]}; else if (A == B ) {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = A; else {signY,expY,sigY[25:3]} = `NAN; end endcase Y = {signY, expY, sigY[25:3]}; End endmodule
`define FP_ONE_VAL (32'h3f800000) `define FP_TWO_VAL (32'h ) `define FP_PI_VAL (32'h403a7efa) `include "fpu.v" `include "LookupTable.v" Verilog Behavioral Modeling - FP Divider (portion)
module Divide(N, D, Q, clk, DONE, START); output reg [31:0] Q; input [31:0] N, D; input clk, START; output reg DONE; wire [31:0] X1, Y1; wire [31:0] Q_reg, Q_regt; reg [2:0] state, nstate; reg [31:0] D_reg, N_reg; /* FPU mult(Y1, `FP_TWO_VAL, D_reg, 2'd2, Valid); FPU sub(X1, `FP_PI_VAL, Y1, 2'd1, valid2); arrayDblock3 af(X1, D_reg, Q_regt); FPU sdz(Q_reg, Q_regt, N_reg, 2'd2, valid3); */ LookupTable blah(D_reg[30:23], X1); arrayDblock af(X1, D_reg, Q_regt); FPU sdz(Q_reg, Q_regt, N_reg, 2'd2, valid3); (*) begin case(state) 0: nstate = 1; 1: nstate = 2; 2: nstate = 2; endcase end (posedge clk) begin if(START == 1) begin state <= 0; D_reg <= D; N_reg <= N; DONE <= 0; end else if(state == 1)begin DONE <=1; Q <= Q_reg; state <= nstate; end else begin state <= nstate; DONE <= 0; end endmodule module Dblock(X, D, X2); input [31:0] X; input [31:0] D; output [31:0] X2; wire [31:0] T1, T2; FPU a(T1, D, X, 2'd2, valid1); FPU b(T2, `FP_TWO_VAL, T1, 2'd1, valid2); FPU c(X2, X, T2, 2'd2, valid3); endmodule …… ……… Verilog Behavioral Modeling - FP Divider (portion) Cont.
'define TRUE 1'b1; 'define FALSE 1'b0; 'define Y2RDELAY 2; 'define PEDDELAY 15; module sig_control (arm1, arm2, ped, arm, SW, PEDESTRIAN, clear, clk); output [1:0] arm1, arm2; output ped; reg [1:0] arm1, arm2; reg ped; input arm; input SW, PEDESTRIAN; input clk, clear; parameter RED = 3'd0; Yellow = 3'd1; GREEN = 3'd2; LEFT = 3'd3; PED_OFF = 3'd4; PED_ON = 3'd5; parameter S0 = 4'd0; //initial S1 = 4'd1; // G R S2 - 4'd2; // Y R S3 = 4'd2; // R+left R S4 = 4'd2; // Y R S5 = 4'd2; // R G S6 = 4'd3; // R Y S7 = 4'd3; // R R+left S8 = 4'd3; // R Y S9 = 4'd3; // Ped reg [3:0] state; reg [3:0] next_state; clock) if(clear) state <= S0; else state <= next_state; begin arm1 = RED; arm2 = RED; ped = PED_OFF; case(state) S0: ; S1: begin arm1 = GREEN; arm2 = RED; end S2: arm1 = YELLOW; S3: arm1 = LEFT; S4: arm1 = YELLOW; S5: begin arm1 = RED; arm2 = GREEN; end S6: arm2 = YELLOW; S7: arm2 = LEFT; S8: arm2 = YELLOW; S9: begin arm1 = RED; arm2 = RED; ped = PED_ON; end endcase end or SW) begin case (state) S0: if(arm) next_state = S5; else next_state = S1; S1: if(SW) next_state = S2; else next_state = S1; S2: begin clk); next_state = S3; end S3: if(SW) next_state = S4; else next_state = S3; S4: begin clk); if(PEDESTRIAN) next_state = S9; else next_state = S5; end S5: if(SW) next_state = S6; else next_state = S5; S6: begin clk); next_state = S7; end S7: if(SW) next_state = S8; else next_state = S7; S8: begin clk); if(PEDESTRIAN) next_state = S9; else next_state = S1; end S9: begin clk); next_state = S0; end default: next_state = S0; endcase end Verilog Behavior Modeling - Light Switching FSM
Issues Other way to get X1? Linear Approximation ( *D) Goldshmidt Division Algorithm Muxzilla Reuse of Adders + Multipliers