14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge1 DESY Matthias Clausen DESY / MKS-2
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge2
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge3
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge4 System driven Application Developments Getting access from the ‘main’ control system to EPICS IOC’s: The dual face IOC IOC running CA and TINE Weather station / IOC’s with data of common interest -> Thursday: TINE gateway
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge5 User driven Application Developments (I) dm2k Minor points on the wish list alh Features to support multiple alh running the same configuration and the same log files Message: send message to all alh running the same config. to (1)stop loggin for a certain time period; (2)read in a new config file Support DESC monitoring
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge6 User driven Application Developments (II) Archiving Move to channelAchiver SDDS support Support for archive record IDL/ stripTool interface Currently: RPC Later: Chris’s interface
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge7 User developments: CGI script to retrieve data from alh log files.
14-Nov-2000EPICS Workshop - Oak Ridge8 IOC based developments CaPutLogger (finished) Write operator changes to special log file: epicsVME70.desy.de Fri Nov 3 16:24: Nov-00 16:24:37 kryksung claus mthKryoLT:caPutMsgLog_rsl.VAL old=48 new=50 burtSave: monitoring special record on IOC Create burt file with most recent values Use burtWb to write back recent changes (warm start) Warm reboot for control loops and digital logic (tbd) IOC wide batch processing ( software evaluation )