Dr. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Lüthje President of the University of Hamburg
Strategic policy management President quality management, university development, communications Vice-President Teaching, studies, student affairs Vice-President Research, transfer, further education, human resources (acad. staff), international affairs Chancellor Finances, human resources, organization, property, investments, legal
Activities for reforming the management and decision-making structures of the University of Hamburg Restructuring of faculty administration management TP 2 Seminar „Efficient Committee Work“ TP 2 Dean training TP 2 Strategy days at the faculties TP 2 Trial faculty boards TP 2 Implementing cooperative university management with departmental responsibility TP 3 Training „Joint management structuring“ in the central administration TP 3 Restructuring of central administration TP 3 Implementing „middle management“ in the central administration TP 3 Guidelines for cooperation and management / central administration TP 3
Systemic Organization Development Communication Goals Structure Personal
PRESIDENT Quality management university development communications Strategic policy management CHANCELLOR Finances, human resources, Organization, property, Investments, legal VICE-PRESIDENT Research, transfer, International affairs... VICE-PRESIDENT Teaching, studies, student affairs Research, endowments International affairs Property and investment planning Legal affairs ICGS Planning, strategic manage- ment, univ. development Communications, PR, info + academic management Studies, teaching + student affairs Finances, human resources + organization, endowments ZVV Company Transfer + further educatin
Long route to decision making and a tendency toward bureaucracy in the university Factor Areas of responsibility / contact entire institution academic area administration Cooperation / information flow university / authorities administrative areas central administration / academic institutions decentralized administration / acad. Institutions faculties faculty academic institutions Decision-making route Transparency of decisions Balance of decisions Bureaucracy Efficiency of academic work entire university own faculty Efficiency of administrative work centralized decentralized bad assessment good Assessment of structure and working channels
Project University Development (ProUni) – Organizational Chart Advisary Council: Academic Senat, members of the Planning and Budget Committee, Women‘s Representative, representatives of the faculties, staff councils and AStA Steering Committee: * President (Chairman) Vice-President (Deputy Chairman) Head of Administration Head of Planning Staff Division / (Section) Manager 3 faculty (FB) representatives Project Management Head: Dr. Jürgen Lüthje Representative: Dr. Anke Hanft Coordinators: Head of Planning Staff Head of Administration standing working structures of the university Project 1 Responsible: Henning Escher Project 2 Responsible: n.n. Project 3 Responsible: n.n. Project 4 Responsible: Nicola.Ebers. Office of University Development Manager: PD Dr. Anke Hanft Schlüterstr. 18 (starting March 1, 1997) * ( Representatives from Budget and Planning Committtees, student- and BWF-representatives have the right to participate)
Role of the president in change-management and strategy of the university The case: Hamburg University is one of the largest German universities ( students). Its organisation was highly centralized, when in the early 90th the state of Hamburg decided budget-cuts of 15 percent to be realized within 3 years. The newly elected and appointed president considered these financial restrictions.
Future Plans Basic organization Reorganization at faculty level Future package Structure recommendations