Map Exercise: Race and West Hartford Elementary Schools Jack Dougherty Cities, Suburbs, and Schools Project Cities, Suburbs, and Schools Project at Trinity College, Hartford CT April 2010 Educators are welcome to modify this presentation and accompanying discussion guide for classroom use
1) What does the data table tell us – or not tell us – about schools? Data source: Oct 2009 K-12 in-district student count, West Hartford Public Schools Racial data labels listed by CT Dept of Education: Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native American, White “Minority” calculated by adding the first four labels. No multiracial listing currently available.
2) What does the chart tell us that the table does not? Data source: Oct 2009 K-12 in-district student count, West Hartford Public Schools
3) What does Thematic Map 1 show you that the chart does not?
4) Compare Thematic Maps 1 and 2. Why do they paint such different pictures of race?
5) What does Dot Density Map 3 show you that the other maps do not?
6) What does the Pie Chart Map 4 show you that the other maps do not?
7) What type of map is the best representation of race and schools? Why? Justify your thinking, and feel free to describe new types of maps and/or charts.