Discussion with Dr Nick Place December 5, 2007 NEAFCS - Maryland Affiliate
Goals for FCS Programming in Maryland Have sufficient resources to meet the challenge of relevant, reliable, responsive Continue to demonstrate leadership in program planning and evaluation Position FCS educators to work with new program leadership Enable FCS field faculty to engage in and leverage new campus based partnerships
Background ‘New’ staffing plan is one of many in past 6 years Family and Consumer Science Program needs and priorities not well served by the plan Plan does not include consideration of new opportunities and creative approaches
Maryland Affiliate NEAFCS Proposal Association assumes leadership for a statewide needs assessment –Data driven –Validated instruments and process evaluation –Uniform approach with commitment from all tenure/tenure track FCS faculty –Supported by FCS specialists
Goals Better definition of FCS clients Created from the bottom up Local needs and resources considered Completion by 6/30/08
Benefits Stronger local and state level marketing Ties to current research in Family Science and Public Health Opportunity to share process and outcomes nationally Will inform FCS staffing decisions