صدق الله العظيم سورة طه (الآية:114) بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم "وقل ربى زدنى علما" صدق الله العظيم سورة طه (الآية:114)
Scope of the head nurse role Prepared By Dr : Manal Moussa
Learning Outcomes: On successful completion of this module and following a period of personal study student will be able to: Knowledge & understanding - Identify different criteria for selection of head nurse. Intellectual skills - Illustrate interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles in nursing management. - Clarify the head nurse responsibilities. - Discuss changing role of the head nurse.
Outlines: Criteria for selection of head nurse. Managerial role of the head nurse. Responsibilities of the head nurse. The changing role of the head nurse.
Criteria for selection of head nurse: She should have the following abilities & skills: Technical skills It is the ability to use knowledge, methods, techniques& requirements necessary for the performance of specific tasks acquired from experience, education, and training.
Human skills: Ability and judgments in working with and through people including an understanding of motivation & application of an effective leadership.
Conceptual skills: Ability to understand complexities of the overall organization & where one own work fits in the organization. This knowledge permits one to act according to the objectives of the total organization rather than only one on the basis of the goals & needs of ones own immediate group.
Managerial role of the head nurse: The role has been grouped into 3 major categories: Interpersonal role: Mangers engage in a good interpersonal contact with subordinates & peers as: A) Leader motivates subordinates to get job done properly. B) Liaison serving as a link in horizontal & vertical chain of communication.
Information is very important & vital to the organization. . Informational role: Information is very important & vital to the organization. Managers serve as the role of: 1) Nerve center acts as a focal point for receiving all types of information. 2) Distribution role transmitting selected information to subordinates.
Decisional role: Through decisional role, strategies are formed & put into action this role involves: 1) Disturbance handler, taking corrective action in non-routine situation. 2) Resources allocate deciding exactly who should get what resources. 3) Negotiator participating with others e.g. union to represent the organizational interests adequately.
Responsibilities of the head nurse Responsibilities in relation unite director: Cooperation is essential for system success, respect & loyalty for each other’s. Responsibilities in relation patient care administration e.g. meeting patient needs as special diet.
-The H.N interviews each pt. on admission, data collection help in formulation N.C.P. -Select the appropriate staff members to provide efficient care for patient & updating NCP is her responsibility. -The HN assigns her staff to care for patients’ special problems in the NCP during daily conferences. -The optimum NC of Pt. Assigned to one HN is 12-15 pts. -The HN share information, evaluate NC & makes changes.
She is collaborator & partner of the physician Responsibilities in relation to the physicians: She is collaborator & partner of the physician common goal is accepted each member of the health team has special contribution.
The changing role of the head nurse: •Assigning a new position to relieve the HN from the non- nursing activities & administrative work such as: Clerical duties House keeping Secretarial work
SO The unite managers will be responsible for these activities and so; the HN will be responsible only for administration & coordination of NC. The HN demonstrates quality N.C when given a highly skilled N.C to patients with special problems
She demonstrates a collaborative relationship with the doctors BY: Sharing information. Consulting other professional personnel when necessary. The head nurse must upgrade her knowledge & up dating her scientific basis of nursing skills
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