As part of the Centenary celebrations as well as to highlight our commitment to environmental sustainability and to coincide with the Centenary Open Day, Loughborough University hosted the Hard Rain exhibition and invited internationally renowned photographer Mark Edwards to present the Hard Rain Picture Show. The following presentation shows some of the comments the exhibition received Hard Rain Exhibition June 1 to July 10, 2009
HARD RAIN EXHIBITION COMMENTS 2009 “I couldn’t help but stop to look, Then I realised I had to look!” “The full circle needs to stop!” “Extraordinary” “Outstanding exhibition, Fantastic Location” “Thought provoking… Lets do a hard rain wall the length of M1 to get the message through!” “This is amazing. If only everyone would stop and take notice the world would be a better place.” “I wish everyone took it seriously” “The world has enough for everyone's needs, but not for everyone's greed” “A Brilliant Exhibition” “Breathtaking” “People should be made aware of things like this more often” “Wow! A truly amazing depiction of the world today, So much sorrow, we should appreciate all of what we have been given” “Frighteningly powerful images link well to the music” “Put the love above the hate for humanities sake, Greed weed will always spread but everyday we can plant a love seed” “Inspiring, We can change the world, one step at a time.” “Very Inspiring, Made me rethink my life, it put things into perspective.” “An amazingly horrific selection of pictures. Makes you think of your future, your children's future, and what might happen to you” “Bitter, sad & appalling, its all our (humankinds) fault. “ “Devastating” “I hope you can take this to more places to get the message out, Fantastic” “A very powerful exhibition, very emotional pictures” “I listened to this song when I was 16, now I’m 60 it still means as much” “Very Powerful, It’s opened my eyes” “And you think we have problems! Good for inspiring change to make that little difference” “This happens everyday. We must open our eyes but overall open our hearts. This is the Key!” “It makes people think about what they’re made of!” “A truly amazing depiction of the world today” “This is amazing, if only everyone could stop and take notice the world would be a better place” “Touchingly Beautiful” “Who ever has done this is very brave. People should know what is happening around the world. Injustice is happening everywhere. Now it is time to change, to create a better world and better future for youngsters to come.” “For many these are just photos but somewhere across the oceans people are actually living this horror” Beautifully thoughtful and illustrated, thank you so much for all your work” “We don’t inherit the earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children” “Very touching indeed” “Take action, create a better planet. People need to not misuse nature. Treat everybody equally” “Treat the climate kindly. They have feelings like us, you can’t forget anybody here, we are all one”