Single Particle Energy Resolution Vishnu V. Zutshi
Event Selection Remove double particle events (veto counters) Remove electron events (Cerenkov) Remove muon events (1m x 1m muon counter) Biases and efficiencies not studied We do know muons are left over Need to device a ‘non-interaction’ cut Needed for MC also
Sampling Fractions Evaluated one for each absorber thickness region (for now) 7 regions (3 ECAL+2 HCAL+2 TCMT) Used 20 GeV pion sample to minimize: (E inc - a i L i ) 2 Weights for analog (ADC counts) and semi- digital (nhit) prescription were determined
Weights (Data) ECAL1ECAL2ECAL3HCAL1HCAL2TCMT1TCMT2 Analog Digital
20 GeV pions (data)
20 GeV pions (mc)
10,15,20 GeV (data)
Data & MC
10,15,20 GeV
Data & MC
Resolution 10 GeV15 GeV20 GeV ADCNhitADCNhitADCNhit Data MC