Center for Remote Sensing and Computational Ecology January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA HyCODE Workshop 2002 Florida Environmental Research Institute
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Modeling West Florida Shelf
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Modeling West Florida Shelf
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Modeling West Florida Shelf
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Modeling LEO-15
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Modeling LEO-15
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA West Florida Shelf April 16 th, 17 th, 18 th, 19 th, 21 th, 23 th, 24 th, and 26 th 23 th, 24 th, and 26 th LEO-15 July 21 th, 23 th, 27 th, and 31 th, August 1 th and 2 nd Hyperspectral Remote Sensing West Florida Shelf and LEO-15
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Zero Order Light –Direct reflection off diffraction grating, >> greater than other orders combined. Out-of-band response. –On order of of signal wavelength distributed across all others in a non-gaussian distribution. Calibration light source –Red rich lamps do not approximate blue rich scene. Out-of-band response causes errors in gain calculations. Extrapolation of calibration light series to data series. –Only a small fraction of wavelengths had calibration series that actually included water data collections. Calibration Issues
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Zero Order Light Pre-Mask
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Out-of-Band Response Post-Mask
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Calibration Light Source
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Beach and Water Spectra LEO-15
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Initial Calibration Series WFS
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Initial Calibration Series LEO-15
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Future Calibration Series
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Out-of-Band Response/Lamp Source Optimization Scheme
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Post-Optimization Calibration
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Geo-Correction Camera Timing Errors
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Geo-Correction CMIGIT Timing Errors
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Geo-Correction Effects of CMIGIT Errors
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Geo-Corrected LEO-15
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Spatial Shift LEO-15
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA PHILLS-1 and PHILLS-2 Inter-Comparison
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA PHILLS-1 and PHILLS-2 Inter-Comparison
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Point 2 Point 1 Point 3 Released Data
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Active Archive
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Active Archive
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Active Archive
January 7-9, 2002HyCODE Workshop 2002 Santa Barbara, CA Outstanding Issues Modeling –Phase function matters to Rrs! Prediction of Rrs will require particle specific phase functions. Hyperspectral –Some indication that the spectral calibration has shifted 0 – 3 nm, spectrally dependent. –Atmospheric correction requires much more attention to parameter choices. –Inter-comparison of 5 satellites and 5 aircraft!