Team: Maya Zalcberg Diana Attar Levona Hershtik Academic advisor: Prof. Ehud Gudes ADD Presentation
System Requirements System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List Network Identification Storage Initialization Network Units Identification System Initialization Profiles Definition Schedules Definition Users Definition Control Center Graphical View - Video profile - Picture profile - Recording profile - Admin - Viewer - Guest
System Architecture ךלחיךחלי Network 1 Encoder Camera Switch ArchiverDirectoryEDBClient The new application Network 2 Encoder Camera Switch System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
System Architecture (cont’d) Archiver: a server component in charged of the Discovery process, archiving video and managing edge units. Directory: one of the control components. In charge of managing access to the various applications, maintaining a repository of all system settings and simplifying database structure. EDB: Event Distributor, is used as an interface for passing events and actions between different components, as well as between the system and external devices and programs. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
System Architecture (cont’d) On the client side The new application interfaces to database of type SQL Server 2003, which holds the entire systems’ data There is no need for installing external software The clients’ only requirement is to have CPU power of Pentium 4 System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
Main Classes System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
Main Classes (cont’d) GUI This module represents a graphical user interface, through which the user communicates with the system. This module contains all the different screens. This module “listens” to the user requests. Once a user request is made, it is transferred to the GUI Façade for handling it. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
Main Classes (cont’d) Physical Package This module is in charge of the communication with the operating system. For example: defining storage, discovering networks and executing the ARP protocol. Additional responsibility: discovering the edge devices. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List Logical Package This module is in charge of the logical aspect of the system. For example: creating new profiles, creating new schedules, attaching schedules to units, etc’.
Main Classes (cont’d) User Management Package Responsible for creating new user of a specific type and adding new privilege to him. Also responsible for managing the authentication process. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List Data Access Package This module is in charge of managing the access to : - the DVTel SQL Server database. - the general configuration file. - the localization configuration file. This module also stores and uploads the system definitions.
Main Classes (cont’d) Physical Package - PhysicalMngr: responsible of the systems’ physical configuration. - DVTelPhysicalFacade: responsible of the communication between the DVTel system API and the physical package. - OSFacade: responsible of the communication with the operating system. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List Logical Package - SceneFactory: responsible of creating a suitable scene for each port of the edge devices, selected by the user and displaying video.. - ScheduleMngr: responsible of managing the schedules’ operations. - DVTelLogicalFacade: responsible of the communication between the DVTel system API and the logical package.
Main Classes (cont’d) System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List Data Access Package User Management Package - DBHandler: responsible of all communication with the different databases of the system. - DVTelUserMngFacade: responsible of the communication between the DVTel system API and the user management package. - UserMngr: responsible of the different users scenarios in the system.
Class Diagram System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
Class Diagram (cont’d) System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
In order to avoid saving the same data in several different places, we will use the DVTel database. To represent new aspects of our system that does not exist currently we will add the following tables to the database: DB (tables description) System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
- Users: this table describes the different user types. The user type acts as a unique identifier. Tables Description (cont’d) - Privileges: this table describes the different privileges that exist in the system. Each privilege has a unique identifier. - Users-Privileges: this table describes for each user type his set of authorized privileges in the system and his set of denied privileges. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
User Interface Main Screen System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
User Interface View Screen System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
User Interface Build New Profile Screen System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
User Interface Build New Schedule Screen System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
User Interface Attach Schedule Screen System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
User Interface Camera Details Screen System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
User Interface Add user Screen System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
Testing Capacity We will check that the system does not allow to attach more than 32 edge units (as defined in the specification). We will check that the system still work properly with the maximal number of units attached to it. Availability We will check that the system does not crush after an extended and consecutive run. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
Testing (cont’d) Safety & Security We will try to login the system using an incorrect username/password. We will try to login the system as a Viewer and perform operation that we are not authorized to. We will try to login the system as a Guest and perform operation that we are not authorized to. Data Integrity We will change the system definitions and check that these changes indeed took place. We will check the integrity and correctness of data stored in the database. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List
Create and integrate the GUI. Creation of the different Schedule entities. Creation of the different Profile entities. Add ability to attach Schedule to a unit. Implementing the login process. System Requirements System Architecture Main classes Class Diagram Tables Description User Interface Testing Task List Add ability to present lists of existing entities