Rocks The Geologic Dictionary
Rocks are made of Minerals (Minerals in Granite)
Soil, sediment, Weathered rock, Regolith
Rock Identification is based on: Composition What minerals make up the rock? Texture What is the shape, size and orientation of the mineral grains that make up the rock? Major Difference: Crystalline vs. Clastic
James Hutton “The Father of Geology” Uniformitarianism
Charles Lyell
Rock Cycle Magma Igneous Rocks Sedimentary Rocks Metamorphic Rocks Sediment Crystallization Melting Metamorphism Lithification Weathering Erosion Transport Deposition
Proportions of Rock Types on the Earth igneous & metamorphic rocks = crystalline rocks
Igneous Rocks Identification
Igneous Composition Mafic Felsic
Igneous Textures - Crystalline Coarse GrainedFine Grained
Igneous Textures - Crystalline Porphyritic Phenocrysts Groundmass
Igneous Textures - Crystalline Glassy Vesicular
Igneous Textures Fragmental (Pyroclastic)
Igneous Rocks GraniteDioriteGabbro RhyoliteAndesite Basalt Course Fine FelsicMaficIntermediate
Igneous Rocks Pumice Obsidian Tuff Scoria Glassy Fragmental FelsicMafic Vesicular XX
Ultramafic Rock Coarse Grained: Peridotite (Dunite) Fine Grained: Komatiite
Igneous Rocks Interpretation
Sir James Hall Scottish Geologist
Igneous Rock “Translations” Composition (Mafic v. Felsic) Texture Grain Size, etc. Magma source How quickly and where magma cooled
“Translation” of Composition: Magma Source (simplified) Mafic Felsic (Partial) melting of the mantle (Partial) melting of continental crust (Partial) melting of oceanic crust
“Translation” of Texture: Plutons and Volcanoes Fine Grained Coarse Grained