Summary of Restoration Elements
Plant Materials
Basic Questions What species? What forms? What mix? When needed?
General Requirements Native Appropriate for restoration goal (to restore wetland, prairie, etc.) Will survive site conditions Will be competitive with invasive species Affordable Available when needed Meet requirements for local genotype
Site Modification
7 Site Modification can include a number of different treatments Invasive plant removal Grading Removal of unacceptable materials –Weed seedbanks, toxic substances, non-soil Seedbed preparation Placement of aboveground obstructions
8 Creation of wildlife habitat structures Engineered elements –Weirs, dams, dikes, infiltratration systems, swales Plugging ditches and removing tiles Installing liners Structurally repairing eroded areas
Site Conditioning
12 What differentiates site modification from site conditioning? –Site modification usually entails a structural solution to providing a desired condition, service, etc. –Site conditioning depends more on the autogenic capabilities of a biological community.
13 Site conditioning can include Seedbed improvement Preparatory crops/stubble Mulch Creation of shade Addition of topsoil on stripped sites Building of soil OM by growing vegetation that can tolerate a degraded site
14 Techniques to ameliorate salinity problems Bioremediation Methods for creating more complex soil biota Flooding/draining –To add biomass –To accommodate wildlife –To decrease targeted species
15 No-till planting
16 Live-staked willows
17 Live-staked willows, one year old
Plants…collection, propagation, salvage, purchase Planting plans…polygons, elevations Transport and storage Planting day Herbivory Irrigation