Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Network (HLST) A Higher Education Academy Subject Centre What can HLST do for your department?
Background (York) Three priority areas of activity have been identified by the Higher Education Academy. They are: Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Student Engagement Standards and quality ( NSS / External Examiners) New CEO – Professor Craig Mahoney Funding cuts so restructure ……….
Background (HLST Network) Core Team and Liaison Officers (Oxford Brookes) Institutional Partners being replaced by Departmental ‘Key’ Contacts – Person responsible for L and T in your department (Please sign list today). Interact and engage with Subject Associations, Professional and Industry Bodies Future may be less subject centres (23 currently) More centralisation so maybe less sport specific.
Useful Resources Website HLST and York Resource guides (£500) Case studies (£30) JoHLSTE (online journal) LINK 2009/10 Conference material on website PgThe - Working Together in Wales: Learning from the Welsh experience (June 2010) - Olympic Learning Legacies (November 2010) (Deadline for articles 30 June 2010)
JoHLSTE has been added to the Thomson Scientific 'Current Contents/Social and Behavioural Sciences' and the 'Social Sciences Citation Index'. Thomson Scientific is now a member of The Publishers International Linking Association (PILA). This means that every article in the journal will have a unique and permanent Digital Object Identifier (DOI) number. has been recognised by and added to further indexing sites. These include the British Education Index and EBSCO.British Education IndexEBSCO is changing the referencing style to that used by the American Psychological Association.
The “Enhancing…” Series Already available: employability, international learning experience, student centred learning Due in the summer of 2010: learning through assessment
Events HLST Conference – Going for Gold : Enriching student learning through the 2012 Games (St Hugh’s College, Oxford, 9 November 2010). Deadline for workshop and poster proposals: 2nd July al_conference
Events Buckley Group: Looking at assessment standards with Chris Rust of the ASKe CETL – what is the nature of “firstness” – across our subject areas; position paper on website, What constitutes a pass? Academic Integrity Workshop Invitation-only workshop on 5th July 2010 in Oxford Brookes Business School
Services External Examiner Register Research Register Website and monthly newsletter update - news, events, funding Departmental visits Links with subject associations Olympics SIG - ig ig
Funding Opportunities Pedagogic research grants projects lasting approx one academic year, answering questions related to understanding and/or enhancing the student learning experience (ranging from institutional strategies to more discrete individual research). See esearch esearch
BASES and HEA HLST With the potential demise of HLST the emphasis on Sport may be lost in even more generic subject centres hence do we (BASES) have an obligation (opportunity) to provide support/services and opportunities for those working in sport and exercise science. Comments welcome.
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