IMIS Research Gender Issues in IT Courses
Why is this an Issue? Skills Shortage 40% of On-line Users are Women Women are High Achievers
IMIS Contribution Raising Profile of Issue Commissioned Research Objective Scope Methodology
Gender Representation YearMaleFemaleTotal 1995/ / / / /
Course Choice Reasons ‘IT is where the money is’ ‘Computers seem to be the future in Business’ ‘IS is versatile in respect of the number of job opportunities available’ ‘I want to be a manager’
Course Experience
Changes in Career Ambitions
Career Aspirations
Gender Preferences
Perceived Obstacles
What Can We Do? FOR BOTH GENDERS Career Information Relevant Courses Corporate Culture Employee Friendly Policies FOR WOMEN Change Image Emphasise Broader Skills Set Role Models Re-Training Mentoring
…… and finally Internet: