ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 93 ; TUE. JAN. 24, 2012 BENCH WARMER: Find all the zeros of the given function; OBJECTIVE: To expand a binomial using Pascal’s Triangle. To use the Binomial Theorem to expand an expression. ACTIVITIES: Discuss examples on Pg ; Pg. 328 # HOME LEARNING: Pg. 329 #
ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 94 ; WED. JAN. 25, 2012 BENCH WARMER: Expand the binomial; OBJECTIVE: To expand a binomial using Pascal’s Triangle. To use the Binomial Theorem to expand an expression. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Pg. 329 # 8 – 23; Pg 329 # HOME LEARNING : W/S Lesson 5.7 [Killian website]
ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 95 ; THUR. JAN. 26, 2012 BENCH WARMER: Simplify the expression OBJECTIVE: To expand a binomial using Pascal’s Triangle. To use the Binomial Theorem to expand an expression. ACTIVITIES: Discuss Lesson 5.7; Quiz #1 Binomial Theorem Expansion. HOME LEARNING: Puzzle Pyramid Power (5.7)
ALGEBRA 2; AGENDA; DAY 96 ; FRI. JAN. 27, 2012 BENCH WARMER: Simplify the expression OBJECTIVE: To fit data to linear, quadratic, cubic, or quartic models. ACTIVITIES: Return Quiz #1 results. Display online presentation. Page 335 # HOME LEARNING: